How big are these high school classes? I finished in class of about 220, about 15 years ago, and only one person has died from my year (suicide). But then I’m from Australia, and maybe we have much smaller year groups?
How big are these high school classes? I finished in class of about 220, about 15 years ago, and only one person has died from my year (suicide). But then I’m from Australia, and maybe we have much smaller year groups?
FYI, the Liberal Party is the name of our main conservative party. Turnbull, as Prime Minister, is the leader of that Liberal (Conservative) party, that governs in a coalition with the National (Country conservative) party. Turnbull and his colleagues have much in common with the UK Conservative Party/Theresa May etc.…
It really isn’t the same. I have no idea how to resolve the issue most fairly, but if there is a difference in gender (and the question is how to resolve that) then that difference is huge, and goes beyond the difference between people of the same gender with different physiology. Let me give you an example from…
So she is from/went to school in Queensland, my home state. It used to be the case that you finished school in the year that you turned 17, so when I went through high school, with my birthday in October, I finished Year 12 (final year) a couple of months after I turned 17. They’ve since changed/added another Prep…