Jesus sides with whomever has the most guns.
Jesus sides with whomever has the most guns.
There needs to be some level of equality/equity and it has to go both ways. Sure, EV drivers can and should pay for infrastructure used in a way that is equitable to their ICE counterparts. But then those driving ICE vehicles need to pay they same in corresponding taxes to make up for their carbon/greenhouse gas…
Not to mention the most beautiful, iconic, and instantly recognizable livery EVER.
Don’t call her a transphobe on twitter to her face, well, her @. You’ll get suspended.
The video doesn’t begin soon enough. Did the truck driver turn his signal on in the same instant he began changing lanes or did he provide enough time to signal his intent and she/auto-pilot came charging in there anyway? There are too many unknowns here based purely on the video to say who/what is categorically at…
The simple answer is: If I can’t find and use the control without taking my eyes off the road and with a high probability of repeatable success, then the implementation of the control is wrong. Not to be a luddite but this is why I hate infotainment screens (not that I’m saying this is how the Corvette is configured).
Beluga Red Vodka. Made with martian potatoes. Cheers comrade!
Easy exercise: Go out to any of the used car online sites (autotrader, carvana, vroom, carmax, whomever). As search criteria chose a body type of sedan and price range between $20-$40k. 2014 Lexus ES, a 2019 Legacy, a Chevy SS, even a 2018 Camry....a nip here, a tuck there...FWD, RWD, doesn’t matter. Of…
Attractive or not they’re boring, derivative designs (closes eyes and picks from any one of 50 other sedans at random). Change the location of the crease line and the front air ducts and they could be mistaken for a Subaru or a Hyundai. Not to be comparative of Cadillac’s previous design language or how well it’s…
I can’t wait to see him prove what 60+ lawsuits couldn’t. By the confidence he has, I guess he must have pillow case full of kraken to unleash once he gets to court.
But with an eye-tracker can put it right in your line of sight, wherever you’re looking...basically once you’ve seen it you CAN’T NOT SEE IT!
My Great Dane loves riding in the backseat of my 2016 Lincoln MKZ. He’ll either sit with his head hanging out the window (summer), or just lounge with his head on the package tray. Either way, he’s happy.
This is like the DB Cooper of race stories!
First easiest suggestion for those having to move to another device would be to go with an unlocked phone such as some Pixel 3/4 version that can be used with any network. I got my 3aXL for Christmas last year and was able to put it onto Sprint’s network with no physical sim card needed(I was able to activate it using…
I think you have the traumatic head injury demographic covered too.
That would be a niece and you have definite boundary issues which need reported!!!!
So the takeaway is, if you’re going....collecting, make it a radiator.
Once every single car, person, dog, deer, basketball and tree is equipped with an RFID chip, then we can then begin approaching the idea of 100% safe autonomous vehicles. Until then, nope. It’s really as much about setting expectations....when autonomous systems can consistently meet or exceed human decision-making in…
Trump will retaliate with an executive order banning any movies starring Chevy Chase.