
The last time a Hurricane got this testy a Ward was destroyed, and I’m not talking about Cam.

+1 bluesy side project

People have no idea how fucked up some, many, Europeans can be.

And no one did a thing about it at that exact moment. Typical Europe.

Coaches should be stored in clear, glass tubes filled with mysterious light blue liquid. They should be completely nude except for a breathing mask for breathing and a voice amplifier for shouting. The coach tube tanks could be wheeled around by teens, tots, toddlers, and other child-like creatures belonging to team

Howard wants a piece of that sweet, sweet Gold Bond Powder money. Who wouldn’t?



I paid 18 bucks for taco bell last week

It’s an old mini-series from DC, around the mid-1980s called Ambush Bug. It was drawn by Keith Giffen and written by Robert Loren Fleming and was largely a parody book with a character who liked to make life very annoying for Superman.