
A very unpleasant person I know used it as an example of the evils of remakes. Though it's not really a "remake" because it's based on a book.

He has the best man bun on TV!

But Edith found love this year!



Moretz is really good in Dark Places, though the movie's not-so-great.

I'm now really curious as to what law school you attended.

Aw, I love Rabin's random Juggalo references.

Chris Farley was a Republican too.

He appeared on SVU twice playing different characters. The first time he played a guy framed for a rape/murder by the actual rapist/murderer played by James Brolin. The second time a girl from a family based on the Duggar's claimed he fathered her baby, when it had actually been fathere by Mercer from Veronica Mars.

Were you his shrink?

Zeffirelli cast him in Hamlet because of his suicidal scenes in Lethal Weapon.

He has a new movie as director coming out this year.

Trivia: Gibson was born in New York and opposition to the Vietnam War is one of the reasons that his family moved to Australia when he was a child.

That's one of the reasons that I will always love him.

My mom and I watched all the Lethal Weapon movies together along with most of the other Mel Gibson movies. He was one of the few crushes we shared in my youth. Now that I'm old, we have lots of the same crushes.

Yeah, and she's a doctor.

U of Arizona is now taking GRE scores, and other schools are considering it because they says it's a better predictor than the LSAT.

I'm a distance runner and I listen to that cast album a lot. Cast albums make really good running music.

My mom demanded a TV when she was giving birth to my older brother to watch Dallas.