
It’s my favourite new sticker

Not just you. 

Really? Cos some of us did

Dear America,

And she no longer has to pretend Kevin James is funny!

Edit: nevermind the nominees aside from Foo Fighters were shit. How did Cohen win that?

So.... we’re being shamed for caring about rock music now?

Just you and a bunch of butthurt men

I was 18? My then like a year later my roommate borrowed that CD and playing that song consistently for days on end at full blast... i still can’t listen to it.

I’d be down for that

The neck!! I’m older than her and my neck doesnt look that old

That neck needs as much work as the rest of her face has had

Now ... that’s my immediate go to as well. So depressing

Same. I’ve posted nothing good or pretend happy this holiday season . I’ll be 40 this year and despite knowing what i want to do with my career and having extra curriculars, I’m really lonely

My yoga instructor pointed this out when we were chatting one day, i was lamenting about my latest heartbreak and she commented that all the single ladies is their 30s and up were all fantastic

It’s code for sex.

It’s a low bar they have to cross for sure

Nobody. The worst choice our office ever made at a Christmas party one year was opting for a sitdown.

I am moving into a new apartment, i phoned to hookup the power ... the previous tenants are racking up 74$ a month for a 1 bdrm. I cant imagine what they’re doing.