
The Bay is garbage too

The Bay is shit. They’re another retailer that treats their employees like shit and getting them to push their garbage credit cards. I’ve worked there twice and always caughtshit for not signing people up for those scams

I watched all of it, but .... it was okay.

Yes. The show was a very slow burn.

Exactly it. EXACTLY

I just got my second one done this week. I’m Canadian though. But I look forward to another 5 years period free

I went in with low expectations, but I loved Spy

Yes! And I just had my iud done, it’s seems so much worse!

I’m sure those fishnets are also super great

That’s the size of the city i live in.

And yet, people on fb are whining that she’s not perfect. For fuck’s sake. That is the same bullshit they used on HRC. Get the fuck on board and stop whining.

It’s making its round on fb. Excellent. Maybe more people will start listening?

I read this yesterday, and I think it’s an extremely important talking point we all need to be having.

Oh, get off your so-called religious moral high ground and start acting instead of whining.

Ya. Not shocked, but definitely not supporting him at all anymore. He lost me at the whole Oscar win anyway

There was a woman peppersprayed, I have no idea whose side she was on though, I tend to think the nazi shitheads from the comments, but either way, not helpful

That was the name of that show! I couldn’t remember. I liked it as well

Hard pass, thanks.

I was stoked when they appeared in the pilot.