Anxious Pharm

There is a woman on my facebook friends list who constantly posts “prayers” that are longer than some of my college essays. I really want to just comment with that verse, but I haven’t... yet.

The District has also encouraged Kennedy to offer his own suggestions for ways in which his desire to engage in private prayer can be accommodated without subjecting the District to liability for violating the Establishment Clause. To date, Mr. Kennedy has not taken the District up on any of these offers. Instead, his

Whenever people would stop to take pictures he would ask them to tweet at John Oliver so that he could get on John Oliver’s show. His actions made it pretty clear that he wasn’t there for the women but for himself.

I used the same Jansport all through college, and I’m now using it in pharmacy school. I found some old Organic Chem notecards the other day in a pocket I forgot about, haha. I never wanted to see that shit again.

he’s gross and pretentious and probably bad in bed, but I would hit it so hard. you’re not alone.

oh my god, yes, every time I filled out my FAFSA for school or my taxes, I was so paranoid I would mistype something and get majorly fucked

You’re running for president and a 3-hour debate is just too much of a time commitment for you, Donald?

I just can’t imagine the fucking balls you would need to lie about something like this. Sometimes I worry that my “dates of employment” on my resume will be off a month, and I’ll get called out on it. I clearly do not have the temperament to commit major fraud.

But when the black critics came out with savage think pieces about ‘Django,’

I ate so much Dominos pizza in college when I was an RA. It was the only place that would donate food for our events, and no one would come to an event that didn’t have free food. I haven’t touched a slice since I graduated, and I don’t plan to start now.

my husband likes it. we haven’t done it in a long time because I don’t. I don’t like having my nose in a ballsack. I prefer taking turns.

Some schools only give BA/MA’s. Not saying that’s the case for OP, but my friend has a BA in Biology because she went to a private, liberal arts college.

seriously. exercise equipment is expensive. HEY UNIVERSE, I WOULD LIKE A STATIONARY BIKE

Holy shit can you imagine the collective conservative breakdown that would occur if this happened?!

Good. If you are in a position to affect the health of thousands of people, you’d better be damn sure you aren’t negligent.

I live in Arkansas. If I didn’t listen to soundtracks, I wouldn’t be able to consume any musical theater at all. I’ve only seen the shows I’ve seen because things occasionally come to Memphis or Tulsa.

I think you meant Alabama or Mississippi.

right? try using that line on your wife. “My therapist told me it was necessary for my mental health.”

I’m sure that this is a case where he heard what he wanted to hear. “I understand that you’re unhappy in your marriage,” probably turned into “You should seek out potential pussy options outside your marriage,” in his brain.

right? haha. I totally believe that he saw a therapist. I do not believe said therapist told him any of that.