Anxious Pharm

My cats never notice before me. I’ve carried my cat over to a spider or insect before. They either follow it around or walk off and go back to sleep. I even had a snake (A SNAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ground floor apartment in Arkansas. wouldn’t recommend it.) in my kitchen once, and I found it before they did. They are the

Neuter/spay programs for feral cats are so important. My parents trap feral cats on the regular and take them to the local clinic to be fixed because this is a huge problem in our area, too. Cats reproduce very very quickly, and toms can roam in a large area and impregnate many females at once. I love cats, but

My cats are also useless at taking out pests in my apartment. There will be a spider running around, and I have to give myself a heart attack killing it myself because my cats will just watch it. Little freeloaders.

YES I see diapers in grocery store parking lots all the time. What kind of person?! I’ve worked food service as well, and I’ve found lots of gross shit in bathrooms. People are nasty anyway, and I guess having a kid doesn’t change that.

RIP your appetite. few things ruin a good meal like poo.

I just... there is never a good excuse to change a diaper on a surface that is literally designed for eating. ESPECIALLY one that you do not own and will presumably be used by other people who do not know that there was shit on it a few minutes before.

hahaha. Like I said, I’m not a mom yet, so we’ll have to see if I commit to the poop-flushing with disposables. I knew you DEFINITELY did it with cloth diapers because you’re going to wash them, but I guess I assumed you did with disposables, too. I guess not necessarily. :)

Noooooooooooooooooo!!! That’s one of those situations where you just stand there like... “Is this really happening right now? Oh my god, it is...” what do you even do? I was standing in line at Subway once and a lady plopped her kid down at a table behind me and changed her baby’s shitty diaper right there. Where

phew okay. I made a similar comment because that’s what my mom always told me to do, but I’m not a mom yet, so I thought maybe I was just wrong. i’m not really sure I want to just wrap up a bunch of literal shit and just throw it away.

idk my mother always told me that you ARE supposed to dump out any solid waste in the toilet, but she cloth diapered? I’m not a mom, but I agree with most of this article. People are fucking gross about diapers today. Don’t change your kid’s shitty diaper on a restaurant table or a bench outside the restaurant

People are giving you a hard time, but I get what you mean. People should be watched enough that people notice if an inmate passes out or collapses or something. They should receive treatment in a hospital-type setting. If they die afterward, then you kinda argue that they died while receiving treatment, not like...

wage garnishment, probably. something that involves paying the fine, not being thrown into prison and possibly falling farther into debt.

It’s not even really the odor that bothers me so much as the constant noise from my husband across the room. It’s distracting. If he wants to bask in his own odor, that’s fine with me, but quit interrupting my reading or TV show with your noisy farts.

I didn’t know that you had to be a women’s studies scholar to have opinions on women’s issues now. I understand if you don’t agree with their position, but acting like they have no right to even think about these issues at all is gross.

me too! they also made me feel awesome about my (maybe boring, but definitely lovely and sweet) marriage.

It was surprisingly funny and charming, actually. I loved the relationship between Rose Byrne and Seth Rogen. (I can’t believe I just typed that.)