
I know this is a week late but I feel it's relevant to note that Greg Rucka wanted to change wonder woman's costume during his initial run. He intended to have a woman ask her what is she supposed to do if her daughter ask to dress up as her but was shot down by editorial.

Would you say his other stuff is a step down? That would surprise me as I've good things about his Hellblazer, Punisher and Preacher.

Is it weird that that's the main appeal of him for me?

The first omni takes a while to get going, but its really interesting as it fells like watching comics evolve and mature from the silver to the bronze age (modern age?).

Lots of stuff this week.

What is his Hellblazer run like? Is it better than the Ennis run?

I do enjoy Remender as a writer from the little I've read from him (I did enjoy Black Science, but felt it was very overwritten).

I'm thinking of holding off on southern bastards and getting scalped first.

I'm a huge Aaron fan. I loved what I read of his Thor and X Men runs.

Only read two trades this week, sex criminals and black science) and, as I am in France this week and next week, I am in the middle of reading a french graphic novel about the Tour de France called Legends of the Tour (also, Uncanny X-Men omnibus vol. 2 arrived at my house a couple days ago and now I have to wait for