
My PC is setup in my office but I also routed connections over to my living room to allow it to hook up to the main TV and run controllers as needed. Works great!

I don’t suppose you could share what this website is?

Really all that’s being argued at this point is risk aversion. But Skeve’s example above can be attained with little to no risk. Lets say I have $10,000 cash but still take out a $10,000 loan for a car at 1%. Then I put that $10,000 into a high-yield savings account at 1.5% instead. It’s still liquid cash in a savings

If the bonus was good enough I used to keep my primary bank and just farm out a secondary bank, meet the minimums for their bonus, and close that account once the time had elapsed that they couldn’t take it back. Usually not worth it for anything under a few hundred though.

If the bonus was good enough I used to keep my primary bank and just farm out a secondary bank, meet the minimums for their bonus, and close that account once the time had elapsed that they couldn’t take it back. Usually not worth it for anything under a few hundred though.

*Marks big red X on last equation.