Anubis LG

@AdamRB: I have to agree with your annoyance on the art style. He does look like he's just brisquily walking...not entirely thrilling, and it looks horribly exicuted as well.

Okaaayy.....I was looking forward to this game....but now I'm just...not sure what to think of it.

PS2, more PS1 games (Ghost In The Shell, plz), and Dreamcast games on my PS3 would make my wallet drain pretty damn fast.

@-itis: They cut a few, and replaced a few. So some progress was at least made.

@-itis: I company just underwent a "Restructuring"....and we lost a VP and hell...even got a new CEO and a few upper-management types also got the boot.

@exion: I know, tell me about it! And Cold Storage is still going strong, too. :D

@exion: Ya know, I've wondered myself how many people out there have game related Tattoo's. You see it occasionally in random places on the web....but I wonnndeerrr....hmm...

Reno, so close to hell, you can see Sparks!

@exion: As soon as I get home, deal! My mobile isn't so hot at uploading pics...alas. :P

My tattoo feels sad to see half the Wipeout staff gone! D:

WANT! Although....I do have the original sitting on my shelf....but still want anyway.

@E Honda Civic: My thought exactly! Is this patch only coming to the Japanese version, with no release for American (nawww, that can't be right)...or have they just not given a date yet?

@Kristopher.W: I'm trying to remember which boss battle was in the demo. I thought only Jeanne was in the demo?

@Kristopher.W: For me, the boss battles. They're over-the-top (a phrase seemingly tossed around a lot with this game, and for good reason), and at times downright silly.