@AdamRB: I have to agree with your annoyance on the art style. He does look like he's just brisquily walking...not entirely thrilling, and it looks horribly exicuted as well.
@AdamRB: I have to agree with your annoyance on the art style. He does look like he's just brisquily walking...not entirely thrilling, and it looks horribly exicuted as well.
@SuicidalEarthworm: My thoughts exactly. After AC4, I'm on edge about this...
Okaaayy.....I was looking forward to this game....but now I'm just...not sure what to think of it.
@charles_swann: You mean dry-humping?
PS2, more PS1 games (Ghost In The Shell, plz), and Dreamcast games on my PS3 would make my wallet drain pretty damn fast.
@-itis: They cut a few, and replaced a few. So some progress was at least made.
@-itis: I dunno....my company just underwent a "Restructuring"....and we lost a VP and hell...even got a new CEO and a few upper-management types also got the boot.
@exion: I know, tell me about it! And Cold Storage is still going strong, too. :D
@subject117: Haha, thanks! :D
@exion: Ya know, I've wondered myself how many people out there have game related Tattoo's. You see it occasionally in random places on the web....but I wonnndeerrr....hmm...
@exion: Ta-da!
@StaticSignal: AGSystems!
Reno, so close to hell, you can see Sparks!
@exion: As soon as I get home, deal! My mobile isn't so hot at uploading pics...alas. :P
My tattoo feels sad to see half the Wipeout staff gone! D:
WANT! Although....I do have the original sitting on my shelf....but still want anyway.
@E Honda Civic: My thought exactly! Is this patch only coming to the Japanese version, with no release for American (nawww, that can't be right)...or have they just not given a date yet?
@Kristopher.W: I'm trying to remember which boss battle was in the demo. I thought only Jeanne was in the demo?
@Kristopher.W: For me, the boss battles. They're over-the-top (a phrase seemingly tossed around a lot with this game, and for good reason), and at times downright silly.
@Lebensbaum: Ehhhh?