@MrGreen72: Ahhhh, love waking up on a snowy Friday to some boobs.
@MrGreen72: Ahhhh, love waking up on a snowy Friday to some boobs.
@SpishackCola is your Brodie, Brotron, and Brodington!: That kinda happened to me as well. I tried to stick it out, but about 3 months or so in...I just lost all interest.
@☆Giroro G66☆: NO clue...I think it's one of the eternal questions that will plague humanity even long after the time of armageddon.
@Wolfenstein: I dunno....while it might not be as monsteriously large, a smaller AC would be pretty flippin' fancy!
@Bubbleman!: I feel your pain. D:
@Peffse: Totally! Hell, I busted that sucker (and my PS1) out from my parents closet a good 6 weeks before XMAS....just to play it!
This ticks me off.
@Rampage: I usually steer clear of over-hyped movies. But I went ahead and checked this one out.
@Altima NEO: Yeah, I know what you two mean. It was a major bummer when I would run into another 75 WHM, end game gear....and we'd both be wearing the same stuff. Not exactly a lot of room for verity in either character models or gear.
I so badly want that home space! D: Looks so slick! To bad I don't ever do anything in home though, hah.....
I'm loving Phantasy Star 0! The amount of replayability (especially if you're a loot whore) is awesome....the controls pretty spot on, and the quests fun! Granted...every quest you go on involves you beating the same end-level-boss....but it's got some seriously awesome dialog.
@skillmore: Wait...what?! That makes almost no sense to me.
@Prinny1God: Agreed. I guess people just get angry when they see dollar signs, and don't read the rest of the article stating "(current features would remain free)".
@GhostTheSaint: *hugs his tightly* I'm never letting you go, baby. Thank god I had the forsight to get one back then.
@Badmofo: Funny that you mention Ikaruga...just scored a copy (with case/art/manual in near perfect condition) from Gamestop of all places...$30!
I'd LOVE for PSP games to be playable! It would be nice to transfer my save games to the PS3 when home, keep the save game on the mem-stick in the PS3, then when I hop out of the house...just slap it into the PSP.
YAY! Now.....let's see if this can keep Cyan afloat. *Hopes* The worlds they created never could be duplicated by any other games, IMO.
@Altima NEO: I miss those days!!! THAT brings back my childhood....sigh....
I personally don't see how people can't see this as art. Art doesn't just need to be a picture, a painting, or a poem.