Drew | Person

Right? He takes everything in stride to the point where the audience is supposed to scream "WHAT ARE YOU DOING JAKE, SAVE FINN!!??" but his trust in Finn is absolute, and his belief that all will work out ok is equally absolute.  I throws the normal narrative of stories entirely out of whack… instead leading to the

Right? He takes everything in stride to the point where the audience is supposed to scream "WHAT ARE YOU DOING JAKE, SAVE FINN!!??" but his trust in Finn is absolute, and his belief that all will work out ok is equally absolute.  I throws the normal narrative of stories entirely out of whack… instead leading to the

The Destiny Gang really reminded me of something out of SuperJail… not just a little, but like they had REALLY tried to copy characters in the style of superjail.  Crown pants was pretty funny, but overall, that part of the storyline felt sort of pointlessly weird.

The Destiny Gang really reminded me of something out of SuperJail… not just a little, but like they had REALLY tried to copy characters in the style of superjail.  Crown pants was pretty funny, but overall, that part of the storyline felt sort of pointlessly weird.

I hope we never hear from them again. They had absolutely no point, their plan was idiotic, and they didn't even bother to show up personally.

I hope we never hear from them again. They had absolutely no point, their plan was idiotic, and they didn't even bother to show up personally.

How were the Shakri a cool concept?  They had no explicable motive, none of their plan made any sense, and they were generic makeup.  The doctor defeated them by waving his screwdriver at them.

How were the Shakri a cool concept?  They had no explicable motive, none of their plan made any sense, and they were generic makeup.  The doctor defeated them by waving his screwdriver at them.

It really benefits from being watched on DVD, especially the third season. Season 3 is weak mostly not because of the plot per se, but because the flashbacks start to get old and non-important, as the producers had run out of core story to tell with them but weren't ready for… well, what came after. Which was a

More and more evidence has piled up over time, tonight was the first flat out admission. In the Miles ep it was already pretty clear given that the dead guy in Miles' audition was ID'd by Miles as a Widmore agent who'd helped procure the bodies, and we have no reason to think that Miles or his ghost powers would lie

Aside from some sort of "Hanzo/Dharma" third faction, the only thing I can think of is that Richard arranged stuff in Ben's absence: got together a whole crew of folks to do…. something. It really would make total sense if they were Widmore goons, the first beachhead in his promised "war." But this ep really blew

For an "offbeat humor before the finale" ep, that sure packed in a lot of interesting twists and turns, didn't it? Are we looking at a true 3rd faction (Dharma returned!) in the Ben/Widmore fight or just Widmore's goons testing Miles? Fascinating stuff, and Hurley made the ep with his goofy attempt to reconcile

We've also seen whispers in anticipation of just vanilla Others coming out of the forest: maybe they brought smokey with them sometimes, but there's often no sign of him, and the whispers seem as consistently connected to the others as they do to Smokey. Hard call, especially if the Others don't "have a word" for

"at least good ol' Hurley always seems to be the same."

Ammit (sp?) serves anubis, by consuming those who fail Anibis' tests, so that could fit. And when Ammit devours a soul, it's doomed to be restless forever.

We're actually not all that sure what Pierre's "rank" is in things. We know the big bosses are in "Ann Arbor." But it's not clear that Pierre even has more authority than Horace. He was sort of doing gruntwork in processing Jack. I'm guessing Pierre is like the head of the science team, but not the head of the

I wonder if Christian couldn't help John in that case because it was in the past? i.e. in the present, post 815 crash, there is a physically manifesting Christian running around, but in the past the Island only has immaterial images to work with for those characters. It seems pretty clear at this point that whatever

Ethan is Horace and Amy's kid, I thought. I'm guessing that Ben saved Ethan from the purge out of the same sympathy he has for kids that he displays with Alex.

He didn't shoot Desmond in the chest, he shot him in the groceries.

Yeah, Richard had plenty of time to check with Jacob after taking Ben into the Temple.