Drew | Person

We don't really know who is behind Dharma, though next week's ep supposedly will at least hint at it. There COULD be another existing faction in addition to the modern Others/Ben, and Widmore. But I'm guessing that Ilana and her crew are ultimately Widmore people. I mean, she told Sayid she was hired by someone he

That would be the most fucking awesome daytime show ever.

There could be more meanings to "I can't control" than Locke being smokey. For one thing, Locke really HAS become the guy that Ben can no longer control: he's now above Ben rather than a pawn in Ben's schemes.

She hasn't burst into whiny tears enough times, or ever, to have any relation to Kate.

The glyphs and crazy walls are on ground level, so they had to have seen them when they built the house, no question. They may not have seen that there was a passage down into the ground though: that could have been opened later.

Yeah, Christian can act as both ghost AND physical body. Locke is a real flesh and blood person. Whatever happened to Locke, it's not the same thing as Christian.

Charlotte is DEAD, dude. But yeah, no point in making us care about the Ajira army. There seem to be some innocents among them (like the guy that warns Frank), but also a significant number of super douches. I hope the Lostees kick their asses in many amusing and super-duper ways.

mmmmm…. maybe? But Christian can seemingly appear or disappear at will, anywhere in the world. Locke so far hasn't shown anything like this. Christian may show some Christian-like traits, but he seems VERY clued into Jacob and the Island. Locke is displaying little more than basically his zen-like state in Season

If Kate can get over the fence with a log, then the fact that smokey can't bespeaks to some sort of very animalistic nature to it rather than a thinking thing. And yet the people it appears as certainly are smart enough to figure the fence out. Doesn't make a lot of sense, all told. Have we ever seen an SM

Locke is not smokey. The fact that Ben says that he can't control what comes out of the jungle has another meaning: he can no longer control John Locke. He's been trying to do that for 4.5 seasons now. But the SM under the temple basically just reminds him of this: he is Locke's bitch now.

The weight of the show definitely almost required him to kill Penny: I mean, tragedy drives good stories.

"I don't know, it didn't really play out all his sins, did it? Just his history with Alex. Whatever that means."

Doesn't seem like Caesar and Ilana knew each other though, while she clearly DOES know beefy guy. She seems to be a very good candidate for leading the "war" that's coming that Widmore promises. Both Widmore and Ben wanted the Lostees to return to the Island, Widmore just made sure they had a shitload of troops for

Disagree. He's basically acting like season 1 Locke: he is very zen about things. He's ALWAYS had a special communion with the Island, the only difference is the degree to which he buys into it at any given point.

Shotgun could have been filled with sand or salt for all we know.

I dunno: it felt like they spent a lot of time setting Caesar up just so Ben could causally, and almost pointlessly, blow him away. More here than we suspected, still to come?

He almost got dragged into it at one point in Season 1, though we had no idea what it was then. I forget whether Ben ever mentioned it to him by name in Season 3/4, but I think he did at one point.

All mEve means is that Hera was the most recent common ancestor of all living humans. That just means that every line that survived into modern time in some way involved her descendants through the female line. mEve is a designation that can change depending on who has descendants in the future.

Here's the bottom line. I think thematically, the ending was just what it needed to be. Finding a primitive Earth, Lee's solution, the end of the fleet: those were things that in the end, the show really was leading to, and it made sense. The problem was that a lot of the "answers" grace notes were wrong, and they

Bad Guys are not gone
The bad guys are not gone. There are still lots of baseships still out there, presumably full of enemy skinjobs that are… pissed, who know nothing more than that the humans blew up the colony and destroyed their chance for ressurection. They might not know the way to real earth…. at least until