
Nah he rolls forward first. Someone (maybe Emilio) has the screenshot up thread.

Hey Shep I’ve got a question in the greys. Will there be any good deals on large 1080p TV sets? I don’t need the 4K or smart TV stuff.

Hey Shep, are you planning on posting any 1080p TV sets that are larger? I’m hoping to get a good one around 55 inches, and I don’t need 4K.

No matter what the discussion is about, the NFL should never be consulted for what constitutes a catch.

Also why the NRA-endorsed Jason Kander ran ahead of Hillary by almost 20 points in Missouri. Dems need to move to the center (and find exciting candidates, it’s stupid but our base is young and won’t vote if they don’t feel like it), not to the far-left.

Thank you for the kind words!

Your first paragraph seems at odds with your second one, in the sense that your first paragraph makes me think that you don’t actually agree with these plans and then your second one does (broadly).

Those plans never materialize because Dems are still shaky after the absolute domination of the GOP during the stretch from Nixon to Bill. One President in a period of 24 years (and a one term one at that). Massive landslides against the Dems for running too hard on leftist policy with people like Mondale.

A few points in response:

Yeah, you also can’t really call this election a response to money in politics either. We elected a billionaire! Not exactly a great sign for people thumping the Sanders bible.

The Dems certainly need to appeal to those manufacturing states, but honestly, asking those people directly is one of the worst moves we can make. The response will always be “Bring back my old job, like my dad used to have!” and that’s literally never going to happen.

That happens a bit in Oblivion as well. The Thieves Guild robs the Arcane University at one point (which is a joke if you’re the Arch Mage lol) and you rob another wizard later that, while the Guild suspends the blood price so you can technically kill the wizard, he’s a Mage Guild member so you can’t do that without

Technically it’s the JD Williams Liberry.

So fucking savage.

Your first 2 paragraphs here are meaningless. I’m not making some ad homenim and throwing your comments out by accusing you of being a Trump supporter. I’m directly arguing that such comments (even from liberals on the Times) are racist.

You have to have a reason to ask for such an ID.

I disagree completely with your conclusion. You might not pick Obama if you think the electorate still models Bill’s, where you needed to pay some lip service to people of color while pandering to white people, but with a bit more black turnout, Hillary wins this thing.

If you do this, you’re telling people of color that you think they’ll vote for you no matter what so whatevs. This did not help Sanders win the primary, and in fact will probably never even clear any Dem primary if you attempt this. You cannot avoid your base. The GOP understood this well and won with a candidate that

It is racist when the people who are here illegally are overwhelmingly pictured as Hispanic, and in fact, legislation looking for illegal immigrants focuses on racial profiling instead of other methods.

“Democrats could pull political moves that could offend one major group of voters and cause many of them to switch parties”