Anton Sokolov

because it's an almost exact copy of copy of a, off the new album

i said boring and yeah tallicah is kind of boring a lot of the time.

haha yeah 98% of their catalog is in the key of d minor 1% is in e minor and the other 1% is in b minor but ONLY when adam tunes to drop b

liked for "fucking BASHFUL"

i thought those stock riffs sounded particularly juicy for some reason, i just didn't know why. the guitars on NIN tracks are always boring and awful, the most perfunctory cheese chewed up by processing into something that's functionally identical to a synth.

that's why i don't like it, i think performing a queen song without oversinging the fuck out of it is a mortal sin. especially the MAMAAAAAAA WHOOO OO OO OOOOO, that shit is supposed to be fucking raw and he just bitches out with the low harmony with a weak off-pitch falsetto in the background.

AA fucking blows. If the only cure for alcoholism is God, then it's not a real problem. AA is secretly just group therapy for the poor and cheap, if they would just spring for a real therapist they'd get their shit together doubletime.

i get the impression everyone in this thread has only ever done shitty street coke and never had anything half decent. real coke feels like a fucking drug and that is pretty much exactly how me and my friends would act when we could get some fishscale. i wouldn't be surprised if dunham's experience with coke was

i prefer the movie to the show.

reddit is filled with pedophiles and libertarians. why do you want to talk to those creeps, sean?

well played, @avclub-da496e2db2e50a068b4ae5549d4ae1b0:disqus . well played.

indeed, @avclub-dafc8e8cde5d69dafe65cb6907899656:disqus . having things in your ass when you're not really interested in ass play just feels like pooping in reverse.

@avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus it's ok jimmy, that's not really a specific spoiler. gus fring doesn't have his throat cut. it's ok. nothing is fucked, dude.

it's out there bros. google it.

@avclub-8288999e960ebe6aca280a2c31f5645b:disqus your baffling anger towards hot chicks who dress up as superheroines is incredibly creepy and you should examine it more closely.

the number of cocksuckers is listed, you just have to add them up for yourself.

my band put out a wicked sweet EP this year. you didn't hear about it, but it would've blown your mind.

my band put out a wicked sweet EP this year. you didn't hear about it, but it would've blown your mind.

as a lapsed juggalo:

as a lapsed juggalo: