
With the Crisis it’s even possible that they won’t be in the future.

I am really looking forward to the final season of Arrow. More than any other show I have watched in recent memory, this show has had lofty creative peaks (Seasons 2 and 5 are two of my favorite seasons of TV ever) and deep valleys (the less said about 4 and 6 the better) with little in between. But in the end,

Thea is kicking butt again. I approve. That alone makes this season a success for me. I am hoping the shorter run will avoid the problems some of the past seasons have had.

That man would be my hero.

Probably would’ve stretched into today at some point.

I think Lost sort of has an unfair reputation for not having answered a lot of its big questions. The latter seasons in particular tackled a lot of the mysteries.

This show deserved to die, and I hope it burns in Hell.

I hate that phrase.  Drove me nuts how often it was used on the final season of GoT’s.

Hey! The Avro Arrow is still the coolest plane that never did anything!

Bahahaha Fair enough. Truthfully, I got interested in Canadian history from a combo of helping my Louisiana Cajun stepmom with her genealogy and my love for true crime cases. You Canadians have some truly weird-ass true crime. (I say that with affection.) LOL

Heel turn" has jumped the shark.

I assume that means he’s playing Darkseid.

“These prominent sources apparently said it’s not Bruce Wayne (presumably meaning an alternate universe version of him)...”

I’m trying to keep my hype levels in check, but after The Leftovers, I’m very interested to see this. I’m hoping this will be good version Lindelof again.

Tessa Thompson would be pretty great, though my personal pick is Stephanie Beatriz.

I always enjoyed Eartha Kitt - partly because I loved seeing a black woman in that kind of role (do you have any idea how rare that was in the ‘60s?), but mostly for the way she said, ‘Purrrrrrfect’.

Why does Black Widow look like she’s 9 years old on the cover?

People put a lot of thought into the prequel for a character that, at some point, will hold Commissioner Gordon hostage over a giant acid filled cream pie until Batman deduces that Gordon is being held in the old, abandoned Gotham Giant Cream Pie Factory.  

The point will be waaaaaay the fuck over here when you’re ready to start not missing it.

Watch early 60s Doctor Who and you’ll appreciate the zippy pace of the 70s and 80s stuff.