
I agree. I think Curse is a prerequisite to get full experience of Project. I saw Curse shortly before the film and really did add a lot to it.

My stupid dumbass jerkface husband will still scare the shit out of me by spontaneously standing in a corner with the lights out so when I walk in the room I jump 10 feet in the air.

And even though it came out well after the period in question, Crowe is fantastic in The Nice Guys.

He’s also good in Redbelt, the Mamet film with Chiwetel Ejiofor.

I’ve always felt that TARS from Interstellar was one of Irwin’s best and most underrated roles

At a certain point I decided that Sigourney Weaver should do the voice of Charlie, and I can hear her say “Hello, Angels” so clearly in my head that I think any other option is going to sound weird to me.

I have witnessed trailers so tiny and so fast, they could hardly be said to have been screened at all.

I’d much rather see what Ruby was up to in the ‘80s than Rainbow.

Oh that’s good then.  That actually does justify the cost for me even without the shows/movies.  Still more than a little disappointed about the Swamp Thing new though.  Thanks for the heads up.

This hardly surprises me, as people have been calling on DC to drain the swamp for years.

The Babadook becoming a gay icon is still one of my favorite things of the past few years.

Sleepy Hollow seasons 2+. it’s hard to be that silly without being fun.

It was a motherfucking masterpiece.

This calls for a celebratory veggie tray!

Speaking as someone who loves Picard more than any character, in anything - like, I can straight up trace huge parts of who I am back to watching him in TNG as a kid - I’d be absolutely delighted if this show handled him as well as TLJ handled Luke.

I’m surprised you even own a television to see him in anything at all.

This is also my hope for the last season.  Oliver visits other Earth dimensions to gather an army for the coming battle.  He could team up with JWS 90s Flash to do it!

But they mentioned Jonah’s impeachment, so presumably he follows her one term with one of his own.”

What if I liked BOTH those endings?