
I saw her when she was touring for Tall Tall Shadow. She wasn’t coming to Indianapolis so I drove down to Louisville and then back to Indy right after the show, but it was absolutely worth it. My only regret is not getting her to sign the vinyl copy of Tall Tall Shadow I bought (I can’t remember if I made the purchase

The 2007 album is great, but my favourites are Heart Of My Own (2010) and Tall Tall Shadow (2013).

The New Pope reminds me so much of Twin Peaks The Return. Both are nothing like what I expected them to be, and yet I’m utterly compelled week after week. Holding back the Pope vs Pope stuff for the final hour (and, next week on trailer aside, I’m still not 100% sure it is even going to happen) is very reminiscent of

Very excited about new Basia Bulat music.

She’s also taken a lot of breaks that haven’t helped with momentum. Four years between her second and third albums, another four before her fourth, and six years between her latest and the one before that. Not counting Christmas albums, greatest hits, or Spanish language, she only has six full length albums since 2000.

Her time on The Voice did a lot to rehab an image that had taken a hit from a few underperforming albums and a generally tabloid-iness around her personal life. Then she put out a very good album in 2018. Add in 90s nostalgia and you’ve got a pretty good sized fan base.

I’m actually okay with this being the end of Debbie’s arc, mostly because I assumed we’d never see her again after last episode. I figured the evidence room theft was going to be her exit (just a joke about Boyle’s efforts to raise her confidence completely backfiring), so getting an entire very funny episode out of

I saw her live last fall and everyone there seemed pretty into it.

It had the misfortune of coming out the same day Beyonce and Jay-Z released their collaboration, as I recall.

I’m excited for this. The original is one of my favourite horror movies and I think a new spin could be great. Yahya Abdul-Mateen II is fantastic.


Best version of that is probably For A Few Dollars More. Much more elegant than Another Fistful of Dollars.

Not enough movies make use of “Too” instead of 2 for the sequel. Teen Wolf Too gets it.

I’ll miss Nun Rave 2020, but they had to bring back All Along The Watchtower to cement Lenny’s return — I just wish that sequence hadn’t been spoiled in the early teaser trailer (especially the wink and the fainting woman at the end). Maybe in the last episode the closing credits can play over Lenny joining the nuns

I feel like Twin Peaks Day is more genuine, because Feb. 24 is actually referenced on the show. Alien Day being April 26 because the planet in Aliens is called LV-426 just screams corporate marketing.

Watching the movie will put you in a better headspace to tackle The Return. They are much closer in tone than the revival and the first two seasons are. That said, you’ll still be WTF-ing through most of the 18 episodes because it’s David Lynch.

I haven’t seen the film in years (never replaced my VHS copy with something more modern) but I still listen to stuff off the soundtrack when I’m in a 90s Canadian rock mood. cub playing “Who The Hell Do You Think You Are?” is a highlight.

This was before the 1998 soundtrack, it was called A Tribute To Hard Core Logo and came out in 1996 with the movie. I should have put influenced in quotes, because they were all contemporary bands (54-40, Odds, cub) who wrote liner notes for the album about what a big influence Hard Core Logo was on them despite it

There’s a 90s Canadian film called Hard Core Logo that’s a fake documentary about a fake band (the lead singer is played by Hugh Dillon, who is the lead singer for actual Canadian band The Headstones). A few original songs appear in the movie, but what’s more interesting (to me, anyway) is that the soundtrack is

I moved to the U.S. in 1996 and have lived in three different red states: Tennessee, then Indiana, and currently Texas. The one time my vote actually mattered was Obama ‘08, when Indiana voted Democrat for the first time since LBJ.