
CW, I will happily trade you Superman and Lois for an Elongated Man detective show where Sue is Ralph’s Emma Peel style partner. Make. It. Happen.

If Batman and Catwoman can make it work I’m pretty confident Ralph and Sue will be alright.

We had this version too, if I recall correctly Smaug is separated onto a cellophane sleeve that wraps around the cover. I really hope my Mom still has this copy and that it didn’t get lost in one of their many moves, I’d love to look through it again.

For sure, in-universe Jefferson might even be the first hero to appear in the Arrowverse (he does have a college aged daughter). But no one has been fighting bad guys longer on CW than Sara.

How does Cisco have a hologram message from a Wells that never existed in a post-Crisis timeline? Other than that, I enjoyed this one. Plus, it made a really strong case for Diggle just being a series regular on The Flash.

Last night it really hit me that Sara is the longest tenured hero in the Arrowverse. Sure, with the merged timelines Superman and Batman had to be active before Oliver came back from the island, but Sara’s debut as Black Canary comes before everyone from Flash to Speedy to the Atom. Only Huntress could make the claim

Constantine’s need to taste everything while his companions make disgusted faces is very Doctor Who.

After much reflection, here’s my theory on the ‘no crime in Star City’ thing: Ollie spends the next 20 years using the godlike powers of the Spectre to intimidate everyone who even thinks about committing a crime (if you’ve ever read the Ostrander series from the 90s, you’ll know that the literal embodiment of God’s

I assume the one vote for Lenny was from Brannox, because it would be pretty sad voting for yourself. But maybe I’m giving him too much credit.

I go back and forth on this show, but I’m super happy to see Aasif Mandvi every time he shows up on screen.

But it’s from the creators of The Good Wife, so a certain amount of courtroom stuff is to be expected.

He’d be fun on Legends.

This sounds great, but I’d settle for one or both of them showing up on Batwoman.

I read that Seg from Krypton wanted to appear in Crisis but they couldn’t work out schedules.

Apparently Felicity was supposed to be in the flashbacks but they could only get her for two days (they needed three) so they rewrote them to be set earlier in S1.

I don’t really have words for what this show has meant to me. Oliver Queen was one of the characters that got me into comics, and Arrow brought so many of my favourite DC heroes to life either in its own episodes or in the other shows it helped to launch. But beyond that, it was just an entertaining show filled with

In the comics, Jim Corrigan was the Spectre for many years before he finally got to pass into the afterlife. That’s how I see Oliver in the final scene. After Crisis, he has years ahead of him fulfilling the Spectre’s mission (which gives him opportunities to pop up in future crossovers or just as a special guest star

I could not believe there were cast members who said Diaz was their favourite villain, but then I remembered that they’re actors and maybe Kirk Acevedo was just really fun to work with.

I feel like Huntress should have had Black Siren’s arc on Arrow, but the reappearance of Sara and the pivot towards the Ollie/Felicity romance sort of killed any momentum it had. Plus, the actress wasn’t great. I’d like to see a post-Crisis take on the character introduced on Batwoman (honestly, I’m hoping a lot of

Normally I’m against bringing back characters from past eras (monsters are different, and the Master gets a pass because every Doctor deserves their own take on their nemesis), but this guest appearance was delightful. It made me think Ruth and Lee might be Time Agents before it became clear that Jack’s return wasn’t