
It would be funny if Oliver restarting the universe undid his death on Lian Yu. Of course, we never did see a body did we?

As I recall, at one point the plan was for Tom Baker’s Doctor to be the final incarnation (that’s why they made a point of setting a limit on how many times a Time Lord could regenerate during one of his stories) and there were going to be several Doctors the audience hadn’t seen before Hartnell. But then the

I still think Moffat passed up a golden opportunity by not bringing Susan back for Capaldi’s final story. Even if it was the younger actress who played her in An Adventure in Space and Time, how do you not have that be the face that convinces the Twelfth Doctor to go on living?

Also worth noting that the smaller console room in this Doctor’s TARDIS (which also has a different exterior from the Thirteenth’s one) makes a strong argument for a pre-Eighth Doctor incarnation. The Fox movie was the first time the console room was expansive, and while that was obviously done for budgetary reasons I

I liked the antagonism and tension between the two Doctors. Both know that there’s something incredibly, cosmically *off* about the situation, and the Thirteenth Doctor is already in a pretty untrusting state of mind (forget that Ruth has been cagey since they met, but just a few episodes ago someone she thought she

Worth having for the cover art alone. Also, the positive review this site gave the film went a long way towards convincing my wife to give up her Saturday night to see a late show of what looks to be a truly insane movie at our local Alamo Drafthouse, so thanks!

I liked it, and I hope it goes to series. If they weren’t confident they’d get to continue the story, I doubt they’d have thrown in the big cliffhangers (William kidnapped! JJ remembers!!) and stuck with more of a ‘the story will continue’ vibe that shows us Oliver’s legacy lives on and gives us some closure on the

They didn’t say Azaria would stop voicing Apu DeBeaumarchais, though.

Every single time I press a button I quote Dave Chappelle in Undercover Brother: “Let’s see what this so called *button* does...”

You bet your ASS I wish to pro-ceed.”

Glad to see Cry Cry Cry wasn’t a one-off reunion for Wolf Parade. Now if Spencer Krug would just reunite with his Sunset Rubdown bandmates as well...

There’s still a possibility that it will happen in the Arrow finale, but I really thought we’d at least see a Digg doppelgänger as John Stewart during Crisis.

Yeah, it’s confusing but the producers of Doom Patrol have said the shows don’t share continuity despite some of the same characters (and actors) appearing on both shows.

I loved all five episodes, and I can’t wait to see how the Arrowverse (we need to keep the name alive... FOR OLIVER!!) is affected going forward. Yes, I was hoping for a giant OllieSpectre appearance to fight the Anti-Monitor, but at the same time bringing Oliver back (again) would have undercut all the great stuff in

This does sound pretty good, but I especially like the title. Great nod to the first (chronologically) film in the saga and it makes sense with the narrative. Plus it just sounds like a Star Wars title.

Those credits are great. The song is fine, just not one of my favourites.

I like Quantum of Solace, so connections to the film don’t hurt it for me.

Good call. I was trying to match it to either Superman Returns or the Donner films it was a sequel to, but Kingdom Come makes sense.

I haven’t loved the Daniel Craig themes (although I think Another Way To Die is very underrated) so I’m hoping they go out strong. This is at least a more interesting choice than bringing back Adele (which was rumoured for a while).

He did make those comments a while back about not refusing if Grant or Melissa asked him to do a guest spot. Him being the Spectre leaves the door open.