
We just rewatched Scream 2 for Hallowe’en and it really holds up. It has just the right amount of callbacks to the original and returning characters, while also doing its own thing. Scream 3 is trash and Scream 4 isn’t much better, but if they can get Neve Campbell back they should do the Halloween 2018 thing and

I was a bit disappointed at how little emphasis was placed on the daemons. Besides the opening text and a quick discussion of them settling on a form when kids grow up, they didn’t really stand out much. For all of its faults, the movie did a good job of giving someone’s daemon as much screen time as their human

I just continue to be really impressed with this season. I totally bought the JJ/Grant fake out, based on the next-week-on that suggested the Deathstroke Gang came back to 2019 with the others and Mia’s insistence that they keep it secret (very on brand for both this show and her family heritage). So the fact that it

I just continue to be really impressed with this season. I totally bought the JJ/Grant fake out, based on the next-week-on that suggested the Deathstroke Gang came back to 2019 with the others and Mia’s insistence that they keep it secret (very on brand for both this show and her family heritage). So the fact that it

Not sure I would have been able to picture this prior to Widows, but now I can totally see him as Penguin. Serkis as Alfred is fine, but can they motion capture him a combover and pencil mustache so he looks like the version from Batman The Animated Series (and also basically every modern comic design of the

I was ready to write this off as a slightly weaker S8 entry after the excellent premiere and the fantastic return to Hong Kong. A nice Ollie & Thea reunion, some fun Talia banter, and a slightly improved flash forward that still didn’t really fit with the present day storyline. And then that ending happened.

Malcolm did train Thea, but given how long Speedy fought crime with the Arrow (and the fact that her training is clearly of League origin) I guess it’s reasonable for Talia to think Ollie did. Thea could have corrected her, but “Actually, I learned from my DAD!” isn’t a great mid-fight comeback.

Since Berlanti is producing Green Lantern, can we get David Ramsey as John Stewart? After years of teasing it on Arrow, it would be cool to see him step into the role even if it’s outside of the Arrowverse.

This has a great cast, but when I first saw that photo of Bateman I thought it was Steve Zahn and now I wish Steve Zahn was in it.

I always thought they should have done a sequel with Blake as the new Batman and Holly becoming that universe’s Harley Quinn (different backstory, just someone taking inspiration from the Joker). But I’d make the main villain the Riddler, so Blake’s detective skills could drive the story.

I like Hill fine, but this casting never made sense to me (either for Penguin or Riddler). I think he’d make a great Ventriloquist/Scarface, though.

I think it can work as long as they’re all established villains that Batman has fought before. One big problem with past movies was devoting so much run time to each villain’s origin story.

I went into that movie hating Hathaway and came out loving her because her Selina Kyle was so damned charming. I do wish they’d given Juno Temple more to do as her friend Holly though.

This gets an A+ from me just for having Chase call Laurel “Pretty Bird.” And sure, it was previously established that the Earth-2 Hood is Robert Queen but Arrow has stolen enough from Batman already without using the Flashpoint Thomas Wayne Batman idea too. Chase is an interesting choice anyway, and I loved seeing him

I just rewatched season 3, and it was much better than I remembered. I’d put it on par with season 1 and season 6 and ahead of seasons 4 and 7. Plus I forgot how many big things happen that year in terms of characters introduced, characters written out, and characters learning Ollie’s secret identity. Honestly, if it

True, but Team Cockroach has second hand info on their test subjects’ lives. So even if it happened after she died, Tahani could know about it.

Michael (or “Michael”?) blowing up the motorcycle didn’t seem like a clue to me, but him *offering* to destroy the thing that was causing Chidi’s misery did. Because they both know that the thing is Jason (even if Chidi thinks Michael doesn’t know), and there was some definite glee in Michael’s voice when he made the

When I saw Maniac Cop and Maniac Cop II in a double feature at my local Alamo Drafthouse a couple years back I definitely did not expect to see it rebooted as an HBO prestige drama.

After seeing this clip over Kawhi Leonard’s laugh everything else pales in comparison.

You’re thinking of Zodiac Man, where McConaughey is both a serial killer and a serial monogamist. Co-starring Sandy Bullock!