
Make Mine Pan & Scan!

I thought the plural was Wills Smith, like Attorneys General.

I think that was in the next week on promo, so there’s still a chance she’ll do it.

I actually shouted CHUNK when they revealed his name.

I’ve been pushing for a Ralph & Sue mystery show over on the DC Universe message boards for a while. They wouldn’t even need to travel, just set them up in Opal City.

That makes sense, I’ve just never seen anyone do it with NBA or NFL. But I recently read a comic book from the 80s that shortened television to Tee-Vee, so clearly some abbreviations change over time.

What’s with the periods in NBA? Is that an AP style thing, because it looks super weird.

I can’t wait to see which comic book villain gets an origin story film next October.

Phoenix never climbs into a lobster tank.

After Supergirl and Black Lighting, it was a bit of an adjustment returning to the Arrow-style pilot where the hero isn’t fully formed yet. But other than that, and some pretty big changes from the source material (which, again, was the norm in the early Arrowverse), I thought it was a decent start.

At least four. I just rewatched S3 and by the end they’re still calling him the Arrow. Although Thea does toss out Red Arrow as a potential code name for her in season 3.

Are they still twins on the show? I might have missed a line of dialogue (ironically, probably when I was telling my wife they’re twins in the comic) but I definitely could see Alice being her older sister by a couple years.

I came to the books after the movie, so it was easy for me to picture her as Lyra all the way through. That being said, I’m excited to see Dafne Keen in the role and I think Ruth Wilson adds extra menace to Mrs. Coulter.

Honestly, I can’t argue with any of the casting on the film version. But Sam Elliott was born to play an aeronaut cowboy whose best friend is a polar bear.

I’m definitely curious about what Justice League would have looked like without the switch in director and studio interference. Not take out a billboard curious, but certainly would watch a ‘Death of Superman Lives’ style documentary about what happened curious.

Word is they’re doing all three books, but in only two seasons so the kids don’t outgrow their roles before they finish.

Since they’ve said the show will cover the three books in two seasons, I’m curious to see how much material from The Subtle Knife makes it into season one, and if it’s a case of getting through the story covered in The Golden Compass then moving on or if the narrative will be reworked so we meet Will earlier. The

Thanks, Twitter. Maybe take down all his other tweets while you’re at it?

I’d watch a whole limited series about the showgirl who hit his brother in the face with the remote control.

I’m so torn on the idea of more Twin Peaks. I just don’t know how you top, or even really continue on from, The Return. That being said, if Lynch thinks there’s more story to tell then there’s more story to tell. I agree that another feature might be the best case scenario.