
He may be Frankenstein’s Monster, but within the comic he answers to Frankenstein (or “Frank” if his boss Father Time is the one calling).

Totally agree. I guess it’s just the *focus* on horror/supernatural titles (Justice League Dark also made its debut in 2011) that somewhat salvages the New 52 in my mind.

Frankenstein Agent of S.H.A.D.E. and I, Vampire were two of the standouts in the New 52 line (along with Animal Man and Swamp Thing -- for all its faults, that relaunch did horror really well) so it’s nice to see Bennett and Frankenstein both getting some post-Rebirth screen time.

I get your point, but I kinda like that they’re trying something different and using a popular character to introduce a bunch of other cool but less well known ones. Granted, Gotham City Sirens would have made more sense but I’ll bet Poison Ivy and Catwoman are unavailable until after The Batman comes out.

I’m still resentful there’s only one bird-named member of the Birds Of Prey.

Honestly, Harley Quinn hosting SNL would not be a terrible idea.

This isn’t as strong of a first trailer as Joker or Shazam! had, but it does a good job of establishing the Emancipation-Of-One-Harley-Quinn part of the story. I expect subsequent trailers will showcase Huntress and Black Canary more.

Little did he know he was inadvertently inventing Dick Grayson’s future “Fuck Batman” catch phrase.

We’ve come a long way from Cyclops being killed off in X-Men 3 because James Marsden wanted to be in Superman Returns.

I don’t know, smiling Jack Bauer may be the scariest Jack Bauer of all.

Despite disliking what I’d read of the comics, Preacher hooked me with Tulip’s introduction in the pilot (and Cassidy’s mid-flight airplane fight scene). Unfortunately, the show never quite lived up to the promise of that episode for me. Season 2 started out well but spent too much time sitting around in New Orleans,

Came here to ask if Bejar was on this album, because his tracks are always my favourites, but I guess this means he’s not. One of my best live music experiences was seeing Destroyer with Andre Ethier as the opener back when he was touring for Trouble In Dreams.

I think the crunch was his biting the actual glass. Pretty sure I saw him spit out some clear glass right afterwards.

See also: Jamm on Parks and Recreation.


That seems more like a Leto Joker thing.

I genuinely want the next Flash villain to be Sara Diggle, out for revenge against the man who erased her from the universe.

I haven’t been this excited about the return of Arrow since S4. Granted, that did *not* work out well, but the trailers for it were really good! Really hoping the final season can return to the heights of S2 and S5.

My only concern with this idea is that the future scenes looked super cheap. I’d rather see this group of characters in a present day show that just continues where Arrow left off.

Heard about this show through my mom, who wanted me to know ‘the Canadian girl from How I Met Your Mother’ has a new show, like we went to high school together or something and are not just total strangers who come from the same country.