
Don’t be silly. Clearly Bad Janet is the devil.

I absolutely love this movie, and I’m equal parts shocked and relieved that they’ve never tried to do a sequel. Also, Drew Barrymore has never been more adorable than she is in this film.

Oh, absolutely. The money, the gadgets, the teenage sidekick. I haven’t read enough of those early issues to know if he was also a detective, but for the last 40+ years or so he’s pretty much been a lovable loudmouth with a bow. I don’t think even Mike Grell did much with him actually investigating things, and

I would’ve been happy if the Smoke Monster had never been explained.

To be fair, it took three seasons for The Leftovers to reach that level of lunacy.

With Event Leviathan, Bendis and Maleev assemble a group of DC detectives...

I do miss having an entertaining lawyer show on television. The Practice, Boston Legal, 50% of Law & Order. How has no one brought back L.A. Law yet?

And why is it being released on Friday the 13th?

I’ve never been a big Harley Quinn fan, but I thought Heroes In Crisis and Batman: White Knight both used her very well and avoided the sexpot vixen schtick.

I mean, my dad’s hometown in Ontario was so small he had to check with his parents before he asked a girl out to make sure they weren’t related...

Come on, even *Canadians* aren’t interested in Canadian history. That’s why they repackage it as Heritage Minutes and show it during hockey games.

Can we please retire the phrase ‘heel turn’ for a while? Twice in one article (in consecutive entries!) is really pushing it.

That was actually my thought. He’s a genius Olympian who can brood with the best of them. He has a team book right now, but all the other New Age Of Heroes books have ended so it wouldn’t shock me if The Terrifics ended and Michael put on the batsuit for a while.

I hope Sylvester McCoy is the next Scottish Doctor Who actor James Gunn casts in one of his comic book movies.

For characters usually associated with the Suicide Squad, Count Vertigo seems like the best bet.

I liked Erza Miller’s Flash, and I get why Warner Brothers decided to fast track a solo film when it looked like he’d be the breakout character from Justice League. But this far removed from a film they’re basically choosing to ignore (passing reference in Aquaman aside) and with Barry Allen still making terrible

Tessa Thompson has been my pick for the next Catwoman, so when she showed up on Drunk History as Eartha Kitt I took it as a sign that the universe agrees with me.

Under all that Hot Topic nonsense Leto did have a pretty great Joker laugh.

My mom took me to see The Dark Crystal in the theatre, knowing nothing about it except that it was Jim Henson. She was terrified she’d scarred me for life but it’s actually one of my favourite movies I saw as a kid.

Blasphemy! There is no Godfather Part 3.