
Oh, I’m well aware of Psycho Beach Party’s charms. My wife and I still quote “You and your nuts...” on a weekly basis at least.

Since this was their follow up to Can’t Hardly Wait, I’ve always wished the directors would have cast Lauren Ambrose as Josie.  But, that complaint aside, it truly is a pretty great and underrated film.

I wonder if she’ll start the season with this costume, or if it’s a post-Crisis change -- maybe if a certain Last Son of Krypton dies she changes up her look to honour him...

Really surprised that one didn’t make this list.

Oh, they definitely reference it in the film. But thanks to the whole ‘rule of threes’ thing, also getting a mention in Curse helps.

I remember watching this when it aired, and it really helped the experience of seeing The Blair Witch Project in theatres. Having all of that background material really helped the story beats land (especially that final shot, which I’ve heard is a bit confusing to some people on a first watch but is completely obvious

Hopefully this gets us one step closer to Tessa Thompson being cast as Catwoman in the new Batman film.

It really shouldn’t be this hard to make a Flash movie, but also at this point it almost seems silly to try until the show ends (probably in a couple of years). I enjoyed Ezra Milller’s take in what little screen time he got in Justice League, and I would have been up for a Flash & Cyborg buddy film if it had come out

He’s also good in Redbelt, the Mamet film with Chiwetel Ejiofor.

Unless he’s playing Vigo the Carpathian, I’m still not interested.

Bill Murray would be a great choice too.

I know John Forsythe as the voice of Charlie is iconic, but I don’t know how you avoid recasting without limiting his dialogue to things he’s said in the first two films and/or the series. Honestly, I expected them to go with a female Charlie and bring in Helen Mirren or someone like that to voice the role.

Can’t they just de-age Beau Bridges like they did with his brother for that Tron sequel?

I’m really glad Young Animal is coming back. I just wish Mother Panic was part of the slate again (or maybe another New Gods title since Bug! was so great). Still, a Green Lantern book from N.K. Jemisin seems like a fair trade off.

Best Tom Clancy fan fiction.”

Would not be my choice for a S6 recommendation, but I guess The Doctor’s Wife doesn’t work for this joke.

This is great news, but I’m waiting on confirmation that Regina King is still voicing Huey & Riley before I get too excited.

I had a real problem getting through the last two books (talking about the Frank Herbert ones, not the garbage written after his death) because of the shift to the Bene Gesserit as the sort of good guys. Not sure I’d be up for a show about them.

I mean, Sisterhood of Dune feels like the title Frank Herbert would have wanted.

I really liked this show. Unfortunately, it didn’t lend itself to the kind of sharable clips that Last Week Tonight does which is probably what HBO was using as a metric for success (that, and how many “Watch [insert host] DESTROY Trump” headlines that pop up online the next day).