
They added the full catalogue in April. Still a few gaps as they digitize things, but for the most part if it’s DC and you want to read it they have it.

The good news is it doesn’t sound like DC Universe is going to make any effort to connect its shows (beyond Doom Patrol showing up in S1 of Titans), so it’s not really two universes so much as one Arrowverse and a bunch of standalone shows that also have DC Comics characters in them.

This news is even more disappointing after seeing the really strong first episode, but hopefully the rewritten finale brings the story to a satisfactory conclusion. As for the future of DC Universe, I hope it’s sticking around because I’m enjoying the digital comics catalogue just as much as the original shows (just

Where he teams up with Machete!

Still can’t believe they called the second film The Dark Knight instead of Batman Continues Beginning.

I know ‘The Batman’ has been the title since Affleck was going to direct, but I’d love to see them switch it to ‘The Dark Knight Detective’.

I’d argue that Batman (1989) is an origin story beyond just seeing the Waynes get killed. It is clearly showing the beginning of his crimefighting career.

So a good choice for Bruce Wayne AND Batman.

It’s one of the truly great things the Internet has given us in these dark times.

I’ve always felt like a Django sequel makes a lot of sense (think I read somewhere that The Hateful Eight started out as one) but this is not the direction I expected it to go.

If I recall correctly, we also saw the Brain’s casing in the Doom Patrol Patrol episode.

My guess is “after the car accident” became “following the accident” but part of the original sentence got missed during proofreading.

Doctor Who (1996 TV Movie). I grew up with the show (started watching at 7 years old) but I’d gravitated away from it during the Sylvester McCoy seasons. I didn’t even realize it had ended until the summer of 1995, which was the same time I found out the show was being revived for American TV. That it wasn’t on BBC sho

As soon as Fox bumped it to a full 22 episodes (after the creators promised they’d never do more than 13 a year) it completely fell apart.

Maybe the movie will get me motivated to do the rewatch this summer. It was just the May 31 deadline that kept me from trying because I knew I wouldn’t get through all 36 episodes and I didn’t want to put off watching the movie so I could finish.

I wish I’d thought of that. Probably hard to pull off by Friday.

When I signed up for DC Universe, this was the show I was most excited about. And as good as Doom Patrol was (and it was soooo good), based on the trailers I still think Swamp Thing could end up being their best show of the first batch.

I heard he was lobbying for the part. Sure, DC Universe is a separate continuity, but I’m pretty sure NBC’s Constantine wasn’t conceived as existing in the same universe as Arrow so I say let him play all of the Constantines.

I really wanted to do a rewatch but life got in the way. The good news is I’ll be just as foggy on some of the plot details from the show as the characters returning to Deadwood a decade later will be!

Thanks! I like that they’re subtly different but still feel like they come from the same era. I kinda wish they’d go back to gold as the command colour, but I get how confusing that would be for people after nearly 30 years of it being red.