
I’m just happy there’s so much Star Trek being produced or in development, and that each show seems to be taking its own approach. I’m also glad they’re looking forward, finally, after doing nothing but prequels and reboots since Nemesis.

My favourite thing about that episode was that they came up with completely new uniforms for the future era scenes. It really helped sell the idea that this was farther down the timeline in a way that putting a white stripe in Data’s hair couldn’t, and it made sense since Starfleet is constantly redesigning their

Well played, and also great username.

Yeah, when Halloween tried ignoring *some* of the sequels but not others we got H20.

As much fun as it was seeing Sara channel her inner Kara, it does raise an issue: either knowledge of the multiverse is pretty widespread, or the people of Earth-1 think Supergirl is the laziest hero since she only shows up (at most) once a year.

Tessa Thompson is the Catwoman the world deserves. Also, I’m cool with this casting. As many others have noted, he’s proved himself in several roles since the Twilight days. And he’s already played a dour billionaire in Cosmopolis, so he’s got half of the part down!

It was just foreshadowing her surviving nine different near-death experiences in the burning of King’s Landing!

Emiko could have been the show’s late season Slade Wilson, but they took too long to reveal her as the villain and they surrounded her with too much stuff (Ollie in prison, Team Arrow joins the SCPD, Longbow Hunters, Diaz, flash forward story, Dante). It’s too bad because I love the idea of her as a villain, and as

But they mentioned Jonah’s impeachment, so presumably he follows her one term with one of his own.

I kinda wish they’d stopped in the Oval scene rather than jumping forward 24 years. It felt like the right ending. But there were enough good gags that I didn’t mind the flash forward. Also, unless Richard was a Republican or Kemi (or Jonah) switched parties, I guess the Democrats win the White House for six straight

Oh I know, I just mean in the moment it seemed like it was possible because he’s not in the flash forwards. If I’d thought about it I would have known better.

The flash forwards definitely took the suspense out of Roy’s ‘sacrifice’. That said, I actually did think John might be dead for a second at the end specifically because we haven’t seen him in the future, so I guess it cuts both ways.

It was really ham fisted, but I think the intention with Dinah was for her to lash out at Roy (who she barely knows) over losing her job but then when she sees him risk his life she realizes he’s the hero everyone has been telling her he is and that’s why she changes her tune. But yeah, her characterization has been

I’m still not recovered from seeing the nipple inchworm its way across the floor last week. *shudder*

After this episode, I really want Lady Constantine make an appearance (benefit of having a time machine is not having to only feature DC characters from the present day). Also, I loved that they played Cards Against The Timeline after its brief mention however many episodes ago.

Season 2 also upped the dark humour, giving it a bit of a Breaking Bad feel. I would have loved to see it continue for at least one more season.

This just makes me miss The Bridge.

So was NBC’s Constantine show.

I was hoping for a long and fruitful run for this show so it could really explore the weirder corners of the DCU. But, assuming the shortened episode count means this is a one season show, I hope Swampy can at least join Constantine on Legends Of Tomorrow down the road.

I’m pretty sure Neron/Ray’s goal will be to resurrect Tabitha into Nora’s body, so they can be an evil power couple the Legends have to defeat in the finale.