
Seems like a leap to say DC Universe is on the verge of collapse just because they’re cutting Swamp Thing down to 10 episodes. They’re adding Xbox support and their entire comics library this month, and the original shows they’ve produced so far have all been well received. Maybe this one show just wasn’t panning out

His history as a slave trader should logically be controversial with the woman who freed the people of Slaver’s Bay.

Fortunately, with only 5 episodes left I don’t think the whole “Sam, you’re just claiming I’m heir to the Iron Throne because you don’t like my new girlfriend” thing is going to happen. Pretty sure the focus will immediately shift to Jon trying to keep her at a distance romantically while not losing her support, then

As show trials go, Baltar’s was a lot more entertaining but at least we get to see Littlefinger die. Arya vs Sansa never really worked for me, not because it doesn’t make sense (credit Littlefinger for planting the message Sansa sent Robb where Arya could find it) but more because Arya’s behaviour after arriving in

I’m not upset about this. The last two seasons have been pretty disappointing, and Jesse gets less likable every episode. If AMC wants to give Tulip a spin-off I’ll watch that, but otherwise I’m looking forward to them wrapping up the story.

Agreed. Her introduction scene is the best thing this show has ever done, and everything since that has paled in comparison.

The Mountain is a pretty great nickname, but I always thought it was cooler in the books when they called him The Mountain That Rides. As for Cleganebowl, can we get all of the guys that have played Gregor fighting in some sort of exhibition match as the opener?

If Littlefinger was still in the game I’d say this was a possibility, but not now.

We’ve been hearing the Taxi Driver comparisons since the project was first announced, but what this trailer really reminds me of is Falling Down. That is in no way a complaint.

I just watched The Matrix and The Crow back to back (was feeling nostalgic for the 90s, I guess) and I kept thinking Brandon Lee would have made an interesting Neo if he hadn’t died in 1993.

There’s that word again!

Yes, this is better. But it needs a post-credits scene with Aquaman and Valkyrie as drinking buddies. 

A Thor/Aquaman team up movie would be awesome.

I’d love an ending that leaves him available for cameos at about the rate Superman shows up, or even some stand alone movies over on the DC Universe streaming service. But even if they kill Ollie, it’s not like there isn’t a precedent for bringing him back to life in the comics.

When Slade showed up in the present day timeline I lost my damned mind. I still think most of the reason season 5 was so good was because Adrian Chase was very similar to Slade.

I kinda figured a shortened final season was coming given all of the speculation around Ollie dying during Crisis (otherwise the back half of the season would be really weird) but I had a little hope they were setting up a passing of the baton by introducing Emiko with the intention of keeping the show going with a

This article reminded me that Gavin Rossdale played a demon in Constantine, which I’m pretty sure was not the purpose of the article.

This is basically the reason I never see live music: when bands I like do play somewhere remotely close to me, it’s always on a week night.

Never watched 90210, so his performance on John From Cincinnati was a real surprise for me. I loved the show’s weirdness and collection of offbeat characters, but his grounded performance really was essential to making it work. I honestly think audiences today would find a lot to like in the show, as tastes have

“this current NBC season hasn’t exactly been an all-time great (so far)