
I liked him as Deadshot, and weirdly enjoyed Captain Boomerang despite being played by a guy so bland I can never remember his name, but the only character I really care about them bringing back is Amanda Waller. Gunn could even keep Viola Davis and recast any other returning characters not named Harley Quinn. It worke

To me, Messiah always felt like the downer ending Herbert wanted to write with the first novel but he either got scared or got talked out of it and pushed that story out to the first sequel. But it definitely works combined with Children of Dune, so I guess that could be films 3 & 4 if the first two are successful. I

Doctor Who, the classic series. I started watching towards the end of Tom Baker’s run (my first episode was Meglos, Part 3) but between the weekly airings I worked my way through my uncle’s collection of VHS tapes recorded during various PBS marathons. This meant a lot of jumping around during Tom Baker’s era (mostly

It’s worth noting that the comics section of DC Universe got a major boost this month too.

Even if they only get as far as Dune Messiah with the sequels, this casting will pay off. Duncan plays a pretty major role in that book. More and more I’m wishing they’d just make this a trilogy and do Messiah as the third film.

This was probably my favourite episode since The Box, another episode that focused on an actual case and spent the majority of the time with one pairing of characters (that time Jake and Holt).

Loved Shameik Moore on The Get Down. Also, I really wish The Get Down hadn’t been cancelled (although the second half wasn’t as good as the first half).

Speaking of Hathaway and con artist remake/sequels, did Ocean’s 8 do well enough for Warners to make another one? I liked the cast, and I thought it did a nice job of capturing the vibe of the Soderbergh ones.

Can’t really argue with any part of this review, and yet this was my favourite Arrow episode in a while. I expected it to be gimmicky, but the documentary approach was a nice way of a) differentiating the episode from the previous 149 and b) bringing back some familiar faces who would’ve been difficult to shoehorn in

That happened in the recent run of Detective Comics as well, but his codename was Batwing.

Isn’t that basically Aquaman?

This would be great. Although I was also a big fan of the “Daniel Dae Kim as Clark Kent” push on Twitter a couple years back.

If Warner Brothers was interested in a new Batman they would have done it with Joseph Gordon-Levitt after The Dark Knight Rises.

I really liked The Rundown (and I’m still angry that Comedy Central canceled The Nightly Show) so this is good news for me.

Maybe it was just the David Milch writing (could definitely hear his voice in the dialogue this time out) but I liked this episode quite a bit. Last week’s felt like wheel spinning, but I enjoyed this one even with little forward movement on the central mystery.

I’d argue it’s an alien invasion movie that happens to have Superman in it, in the way The Dark Knight is a gritty crime movie featuring Batman.

Love ‘em. My wife would argue I like too many superhero movies, because she keeps getting dragged to them. The poor woman had to go see Ang Lee’s Hulk on her birthday.

I love superhero movies! I’m definitely more of a DC Comics fan than a Marvel one, but I’ve liked or loved a lot of the Disney and Fox movies (Winter Soldier, Days of Future Past, Thor Ragnarok, Logan) and at least two Spider-man movies (the second Raimi one and Into The Spider-verse). But just like I can love Batman

There definitely needed to be a scene where Clark says he’ll never take a life again, or at least acknowledges that he killed the only survivors of his race and now he’s truly alone. It actually would have worked really well in his conversation with the general, instead of jokes about crashing satellites.

Yeah, that has always bugged me.