
I’m not here to defend Man Of Steel because I feel like at this point the people who hate it can’t be convinced otherwise, but I totally dig it and think it’s one of the best comic book movies of the last twenty years.

The moment I was sold on the new take on Superman was the trailer where Kevin Costner says “maybe” Clark should have let the kids on the bus die. Of course a Jonathan Kent who lived through Vietnam and Watergate wouldn’t trust the government knowing about his son. It was such a huge shift from the Pa Kent I’d seen my

I remember him from The Power Company! Great series.

I’m guessing the Dante reference in this episode means the Ninth Circle from the Green Arrow Rebirth series will be our eventual big bad. Gotta say, I’m liking the newer GA stuff (Emiko, Longbow Hunters) being added the mix this season — as long as they never include the magical forest arc.

It’s insane that Widows is nowhere on this list.

I don’t know, that’s sort of the road Kyle was going down once he met the alien hunter who had partnered with his grandfather. It’s almost like this is an alternate universe where the same stuff happens to the same people, just much later (did I see the banner at the reunion right and they graduated 20 years ago?

Everything we watched in film school ended up being something I’d already seen parodied or referenced on The Simpsons years before.

I liked his James Bond novel. It seemed to be setting up a sequel but that never happened.

Speaking of Roswell, I watched the pilot for the new show last night and... didn’t completely hate it? It’s kind of bizarre how closely it follows the story beats of original pilot despite aging everyone up, but it was much better than I expected based on the ads.

If NBC wants a procedural series based on a series of crime thrillers with name recognition that have already been adapted for film they could just give us more seasons of Hannibal.

Whoa, let’s leave Bride of Chucky out of this.

Don’t forget his other brilliant argument: “When did pee every hurt anyone?”

I totally forgot this sketch existed. Whenever R. Kelly comes up (which obviously is a lot lately) my first thought is always the Boondocks episode.

When it was airing I sort of dug the David Lynch vibe of season 2, but on a re-watch it I found it just as boring and confusing as everyone else.

“Middling popularity” is the nicest thing anyone’s ever said about Bran.

I stopped watching The Simpsons years ago, but on the surface this seems like a pretty solid joke.

When asked for comment, Moore said he hasn’t read the tweet and never reads tweets about this comic books but that he does donate all likes to the artists.

Admittedly that’s more useful in everyday conversation than the alien one.

This film has one of my favourite lines of all time, delivered by Josh Hartnett: “I leave for five minutes, I come back and everyone’s a fucking alien!!!”

But Widows!