
You’re not alone!

It may not be perfect, but for years I though the last time I’d see Eastwood on screen would be him yelling at an empty chair at the Republican National Convention, so I’ll take what I can get.

Finally, an article about this that mentions Jack Knight. I get that Courtney’s origins as the Star-Spangled Kid are going to be dropped to streamline her backstory, but just because she’s Stargirl now doesn’t mean she can’t still take her inspiration from the Star-Spangled Kid. Also, since Sylvester Pemberton was a

Or it could be something that’s coming later this season. Like say Nora’s attempts to save her dad from Crisis actually end up moving the date forward 5 years.

The Crisis tag at the end was genuinely shocking for me, just because they’ve teased it consistently as happening in 2024. I’m wondering if next year’s entire crossover will be set in that year, one big flash forward, so the writers are free to explore the futures of the characters (i.e., show us Ralph married to Sue,

As others have mentioned, Jaime’s first series is excellent and should be the blueprint for any movie. I bought every issue of his New 52 run to support the character, but it was pretty bad. The Rebirth series with Ted Kord was fine, but still lost a lot of what made that original take so special.

This was my solution to the “Chris Pine won’t come back for Star Trek 4" conundrum. Why recast when you can just promote Sulu to captain and tell a story about the Excelsior? If Pine decides to come back for 5, great. Otherwise, just keep going with Sulu.

Having Beyonce in it qualifies as a redeeming quality in my mind, but the movie itself is not good.

But will Medavoy be in it?

For sure, much better than The Christmas Invasion but not as good as The Eleventh Hour. I think last season’s premiere (The Pilot) is a better introduction to Who as a show, but this was a great introduction to the Thirteenth Doctor and Chibnall’s vision for the series.

I enjoyed it. Post-regeneration episodes are usually pretty weak, but as long as we get a sense of who the Doctor will be and a scene where the new costume is picked out it’s done its job. Was the monster memorable? Was Prisoner Zero? Or the clockwork man from Deep Breath? The Autons are probably the only monsters

I’m super excited for the return of Veronica Mars, but I’d rather it wasn’t about her heading back to Neptune. The movie already did the ‘Veronica goes home, sees all the same people she knew in high school’ thing. I doubt we see her join the FBI or anything, but Veronica working as a bail bonds agent tracking some

I see no reason why she can’t still be queen of the witches...

I still dig the film. It butchers the story (and stops before the fantastically dark ending of the book) but the production design was great and the casting was excellent. Don’t get me wrong, the cast for this version looks pretty great too, but you can’t tell me there’s anyone living or dead who’ll make a better Lee

Coven’s the season that got me to stop watching, so it’s the worst season for me.

Crazy Rich Asians 3: Tokyo Drift

These tweets are bad, but they’re also very on brand for someone who came out of Troma and was the writer/director of a web series called PG Porn. Frankly, I was always surprised Gunn scored the Marvel gig at all.

I’d started to get worried about this new direction after that weird pizza restaurant commercial promo, but now I’m back on board. Sure, this trailer lacks the whiz bang of some of the Smith & Capaldi era teasers, but it’s nice to see some actual footage and I’m sure there’ll be a future trailer that leans more

If it’s Marky Mark finding the torso, I’m out.

I guess they really just need his voice. Put that creepy ‘Make Michael Douglas look young in a brief flashback’ technology to good use by recreating Peter Weller’s face from 1987.