
*Holt blank stare of disdain*

They've stopped even working Fridays. Why go to the office when you can order a missile strike from your vacation house on a Thursday evening?

The dialogue has a bit of a Chinese-dubbed-into-English feel, but I think that's intentional. As for the storytelling, I appreciate that they're trying something different (not just a non-white lead, but a whole different country and culture as a setting) even if it sometimes feels a bit clunky compared to other DC

It's an improvement over the first reboot costume with the collar, but it still looks off to me. That said, I kinda dug the t-shirt and jeans with cape look from Grant Morrison's Action Comics run.

I'm really enjoying this series, I'm a sucker for rookie/legacy heroes and this one has the advantage of not actually replacing his predecessor. But the Super Lex thing they've been trying since the early days of the New 52 is getting old. Also, it's been almost six years and Superman's costume still looks wrong

Does that make The Shawshank Redemption the middle ground?

Fair enough! I'm sure he'll be devastated to learn that of the thirteen actors to play the role he is my least favourite.

A lot of people make the mistake of starting from the beginning, but the show wasn't really what we think of as Doctor Who for its first several years. If you want to try Classic Who, I recommend checking out some of the stronger Fourth Doctor stories (Ark in Space, Pyramids of Mars, City of Death) to get a real feel

Another thing Big Finish has handled!

It's too bad it will be his final series.

It is. I've passed it on to several young people, so it's going to persist for at least another generation.

I still think she would have been a better choice for The Moment in the 50th anniversary special (although Sarah Jane would have been the best pick if she'd still been alive).

This is commonly know as "Being a Whovian."

And they kissed at least once that I can remember.

I still need to listen to those. The only post-Baker Leela I've seen is her appearance in Lungbarrow, the final Virgin New Adventures novel starring the Seventh Doctor. But she was pretty great in it.

I've got a $10 bet going with a coworker on this. If it's a woman, I owe her. If it's a man who isn't white, she owes me. If it's a white man or a woman of colour, we call it even.

Maybe not first, but Turlough was definitely gay.

Right? I like to think she at least played a major role in the Time War.

I enjoyed his performance at the time, but looking back at it now he's my least favourite Doctor because he didn't bring anything interesting to the role. He's just another handsome, dashing sci-fi hero. I don't need that from Doctor Who, I can get that in literally every other show and movie in the genre. Give me

But I was a kid, so it still worked as children's programming. The show has always worked as both, I don't think there was a particular moment when they decided to start making it palatable to fans who'd "grown out" of its kid's show beginnings.