
Stay far away from Torchwood. They only did one good season (Children of Earth) and it's only five episodes.

Back in the old days they'd just marry an alien resistance fighter they'd met ten minutes prior and that was it!

I enjoyed Clara's exit because it meant she was finally leaving the show. But also what you said.

It's been a while. Honestly, outside of the Donna season I find the Tennant years unwatchable now.

I really liked Martha in her first story. Smart, capable, excited about being in space. It was all the subsequent 'I'm in love with the Doctor but he won't notice me' garbage that ruined the character.

Donna and the Twelfth Doctor would be fantastic together, provided neither one killed the other (unless that's how he regenerates…).

Worst ending for a character. I get that Davies needed a reason why she couldn't keep traveling with the Doctor, but what a lousy way to handle it.

I think it counts for series 5 and 6 when it isn't clear what their future relationship is, but by series 7 they're actually a couple.

The Brigadier is not a companion. If anything, the Third Doctor was *his* companion.

But modified when? Because they were doing some pretty dark and trippy stuff in the 80s (Warrior's Gate, Frontios, Curse of Fenric).

I feel like Thea would have the biggest impact, and explain her bizarre absences all season, but after Vigilante tried to assassinate the mayor that seems unlikely. Ditto for Roy, who was my early favourite. Lawton would be a leap (not only would he have to still be alive, but he'd have to switch from contract killer

I'm hoping Floyd Lawton turns out to be Vigilante.

I expected her to be part of the trio of female villains that showed up a few episodes back.

Maybe they're following Batman's lead and the fourth film will be Valerian & Laureline (after Valerian Returns and Valerian Forever).

"Rihanna, who… sexy"

Luck is my favourite show of the last decade.

No, I know. I meant the plot of the first book would have been stretched out over three.

If Ender's Game was published today it would be three books long and they'd turn it into four movies.

I'm actually okay with this. Unlike Carnivale or Deadwood, it got a true ending. And it wouldn't be the same without Soderbergh directing every episode. This way it remains two great seasons of television that tell a finite story.

Nobody mumbles menacingly like Tom Hardy.