
That hat is the true MVP of Taboo.

I loved it, but it's definitely a show where the pilot gives you a strong sense of what you're getting so if you didn't enjoy that (and I'm assuming you don't enjoy garbage) it's maybe not for you.

True, but was that talked about publicly during his presidency or something that came out later?

Funny that the last two Republican presidents are both widely considered puppets of men within their administration. Did I say funny? I mean horrifying.

He did it with Jennifer Lopez!

There's some dialogue about Murphy's transfer that implies OCP is moving cops around to put certain ones in high risk areas. It's not spelled out, but like the police strike (which someone comments OCP seems to be egging on) it seems like the filmmakers are hinting that the corporation is orchestrating everything to

I disagree with the idea that OCP haven't done a worse job running the police. They intentionally spread the police thin in hopes that they'll strike, paving the way for their private police force to replace them. Meanwhile, they are putting ideal RoboCop candidates in dangerous situations hoping that one of them will

"Also, in the shittiest of the Highlander movies…" I take it you never saw Highlander: The Source? Because that one was horrendous.

And it was actually pretty good!

And even then, it's only good for two movies.

She's been biding her time, playing the long game.

They should debate on live TV! Jimmy Smits split-screen. Smits-screen!

If it was really woke, it wouldn't feel the need to have the nice partner say "Whoa buddy, not so rough" during the arrest scene.

Definitely the studio's fault, but I think they dragged their heels because they really wanted Jackson to step in and save the project. And at the time it was still being considered two films (one that adapted The Hobbit and one that filled in the gap between it and Fellowship) so we might not have ended up with 9 hrs

Who should have directed The Hobbit, as was the original plan.

He also directed King Kong, which I think did respectable money. It's not like he's made a Lone Ranger or anything.

I'm not saying it will be great, but has post-Fellowship Jackson had an actual flop? Not talking quality of the movie, just box office.

I would have accepted Evelyn as a replacement given how she was introduced, but I'm less excited about a random new character suddenly becoming Black Canary.

But then Sara would have to leave Legends, robbing the show of its best character (although I do agree she was the better Canary).

I'm more of a fan of Mike Grell 'urban hunter' era, so I can take or leave the trick arrows, but it was really nice to see the boxing glove one make an appearance.