
I definitely can't recommend books 5 or 6. Quite while you're ahead!

In 24 thousand years, Trump's descendants make up House Harkonnen.

It was, but it wasn't written by Herbert. He signed off on it though, and it was considered canon until his son started his cash gra— I mean, "expanded universe novels".

I like God Emperor of Dune. I think it's a better end for the series than Children of Dune was (or Chapterhouse Dune would be), what with the whole Scattering/Golden Path plan coming to fruition.

At the very least he should have given the Roots the night off.

Children of Earth is the only good season.

I really enjoyed the first issue, but it was the twist ending that is bringing me back for the next issue.

This does not look like the usual David E. Kelley lawyer show. From IMDb, I can't tell if he actually wrote it or just created it. I'll check it out, but I'd really love to see him do another Practice or Boston Legal (but not another Harry's Law).

I'd like to see The Smugglers too, just because Ben and Polly don't get enough love.

I'd start with something like The Crusade that's partially complete, and The Highlanders since it introduces Jamie.

They really need to do this for all of the missing episodes, it's ridiculous how many stories are just gone. I'm sure expense is the issue, but I feel like most Classic Who fans would buy animated versions of at least the Cybermen and Dalek stories. If this sells well, maybe they'll do Evil of the Daleks and/or Wheel

If it's any consolation, I'm sure Trump considered you.

Given his politics, I really expected there to be some Roe v Wade gags.

I want to mock him, but I did a weekly comic strip in my town paper that was only slightly more funny than this. Admittedly, I was 12 when it started, but still — glass houses and all that.

Always good to see Ostrander writing again. His Spectre series remains one of the all-time greats.

Sure, the New 52 version anyway.

Best line of the series. Maybe of any series.

Before Dexter, you could say with confidence "Jim Beaver can save anything". Not anymore.

I like season 5 as well, I think you need some closure after the end of season 4. I can't defend seasons 6-8, but if it had ended after 5 I think it would be remembered as a good show that peaked in season 4 and went out with a decent last year.

This is when I knew the show wasn't going to be good anymore. The writers had a chance to explore Dexter's relationship with kids that weren't his by blood, and how he'd balance that with his "job" as a serial killer, and they went the easy route by handing them off to Rita's parents. From there, it was inevitable