
They should put that quote on the Blu-ray cover!

She's the best. I know people like to bash the panels, she was always great on them. And they just gave her that Trump spokeswoman character last week, think of the mileage she could have gotten out of that between now and November…

I hadn't thought of that, but I guess it's possible. They won't fill the 11:30 spot with a new show until after the election (probably after the inauguration), so if they are looking to go less political it will matter a lot less by then. But my money is still on Jessica Williams to get it.

I almost wonder if they were hoping Colbert's Late Show wouldn't catch on and they could convince him to come back, so they didn't try to push The Nightly Show too hard. But now we're getting into Mike Yard's Y Files conspiracy territory…

I'm more worried about people like Robin Thede and Mike Yard finding steady gigs, just because I know Larry is liked and respected throughout the industry and won't have a hard time getting his next project going. I really liked all of the correspondents, so I hope they all land on their feet.

To be fair, they always bleeped him so I just had to infer what he was saying…

Yeah, but Larry seemed very caught off guard so you'd think if the contracts were nearly up he'd have expected at least a conversation. Plus even if it was about the contracts this was a conversation CC could have with Wilmore in June or July. Telling him "you have four shows left" is just cruel.

And their ratings were a lot better with Jon Stewart as their lead in.

Absolutely. Their piece together on plantation weddings was fantastic.

Pardon the Integration was funny. Nightly! Nightly! was funny. Their pieces on Flint, Ferguson, and Baltimore were sharp. Larry's monologues were sharp *and* funny. And every single time he brought up Bill Cosby ("I still haven't forgotten about you m**therf**ker!") was hilarious.

Hopefully Larry can relaunch on a better network and get to use his original title for the show, The Minority Report.

I'm so glad this show introduced me to Mike Yard.

Exactly, the smart move would be to have them make changes while they have the election to basically write the show for them. Honestly, this was my favourite of the four TDS shows (even though I think Sam Bee and John Oliver are doing exceptional work, they don't have to grind it out every day like Wilmore and Noah)

Ditto for Robin Thede.

The timing is so weird. Why would you want less election coverage in the final three months? According an interview Wilmore gave, the season ends in December so he thought they had at least through the election before any decisions were made. Announcing on Monday that Thursday will be the last show is just so bizarre…

I think they would have if Jon had announced his retirement at the same time Stephen left for CBS. But at the time it was a smart move giving Colbert's time slot to Wilmore.

He's not "decrying" anything, he's making a joke about his timeslot being "unblackened" after doing a regular segment on the "unblackening of the White House".

You mean the Sci-Fi Channel miniseries?

Except his power is based on the threat that he'll destroy the spice and making it rain… destroys the spice.

Stilgar always kept it 100.