
It really needs a 10 second .wav file of Toto music though.

Same. I really wish Lynch had made the sequel. Hell, I'd take it now — MacLachlan is older than Paul was in Dune Messiah, but he was also older than Paul was in Dune.

Ryan Coogler seems like a good dude.

"Benghazi Night" sounds like the worst prom theme ever.

I've seen arguments from the Trump campaign that are nearly this credible in defense of the speech.

Canada got the Doctor Who revival first too, Sci-Fi decided to spend their money on Battlestar Galactica instead (not that I can blame them, but it did mean watching Who via VHS tapes sent south by my brother).

People can spell Beyonce?

I feel like you missed out on a TNG "Conundrum" episode reference with this comment.

As movie tie-ins go, this is much better than that Papa John's commercial where he shows up in a Ghostbusters uniform and feeds a pizza to Slimer.

This is my favourite comment this week.

Probably my favourite show of the last decade, and it was so open ended. I wish Milch would write a novel or something that explains what Ace's grand plan was (after Dennis Farina died I gave up hope for any kind of revival). I dug John From Cincinnati, but then I'd watch a show about a button factory if David Milch

I'm not upset about this. I wanted to love the show, and I thought the pilot was decent, but it just never clicked with me. I was a lot more interested in the characters who weren't Ritchie than I was with anything he was doing. I will miss seeing Juno Temple on my TV though.

Damn it, now I'm sad about the cancellation of Luck all over again.

*Nasty Bits

No, not at all. I'm more in the "I like the dark tone and the mythic approach to the characters, and while I don't dig the Marvel movies I totally get why they're so popular" camp.

I loved Man Of Steel. I liked Batman v Superman a lot. I'm excited about this movie, and no amount of snarky AV Club stories is going to change that.

Maybe not, but seasons 18 through 23 all had a pretty consistently dark and serious tone (from Warrior's Gate to Caves of Androzani to Trial of a Time Lord). That's nearly a quarter of Classic Who. Of course, the beauty of Doctor Who is that *no* era is representative of the show as a whole, because it's constantly

I actually started watching during season 18.

I'm starting to worry this season is going to be zany. I don't like my Doctor Who zany.

Certainly the worst Capaldi episode, but worst since 2005 is stretching it.