
I didn't say he was a nice guy. I guess I more mean he's not the kind of criminal they usually fight, who is on a murder spree or doing a series of robberies. Once they saved Wells, he wasn't an imminent threat to civilians.

They forced that one guy to age himself to death, and he wasn't even a criminal — just someone with an axe to grind with Harrison Wells/Thawne.

They could be setting things up for Mia Dearden to appear as Speedy III.

Well this definitely teases the "mayor by day, hero by night" story that Judd Winnick did in Green Arrow, and of course Ollie's journey to Russia to keep that promise. I don't know that it's any different than last year when it ended with Oliver and Felicity leaving the city to start a new life. But I did expect

And why didn't they ever make a fourth Die Hard movie? I know Die Hard With A Vengeance wasn't as good as the first two, but you'd think they could come up with a great idea for another one. Oh well, I guess it wasn't meant to be.

I enjoyed season 2 and its David Lynch vibe.

Somehow I always thought there'd be a Tragically Hip. I assumed they'd be like the Rolling Stones, still out there touring well into their 70s.

I audibly gasped when I read the headline yesterday.

Names start with "A", sentences end with "eh", just like God intended, eh?

This is a great point. We're a simple, trusting folk.

I thought she was a cat?

When are those two thousand years of darkness Obama was going to lead us into going to start?

Donald Trump only listens to music on Pono.

"[Trump] actually got a license to use it. I mean, he said he did and I believe him." Yes, because we can take anything Donald Trump says at face value.

It's possible that they don't know what to do with Margaery on the show because she doesn't have much of a role in the rest of the books. I mean, she doesn't really have a huge role in the ones that have been published, so it's not unreasonable to think Martin doesn't have big plans for her in the rest of the series.

Another Way To Die probably would work better if it wasn't a duet, but it's my favourite of the Daniel Craig themes despite being the least Bond-like. But The World Is Not Enough is up there as one of the best Bond themes ever.

That's my problem with Die Another Day, it stops being interesting as soon as Bond gets released from the North Korean prison. The World Is Not Enough had Denise Richards being terrible, but it also had a good villain in Elektra, Bond having to rescue M, skiing (still don't understand why there's none in Spectre), and

Overall I think Spectre is better than Skyfall, but neither is as good as Casino/Quantum.

Let's not get crazy…

I saw it as an attempt to mix Connery (the Spectre stuff) with Moore (lighter tone) and a bit of Lazenby (plot elements stolen from On Her Majesty's Secret Service). But it was certainly the closest Daniel Craig has come to doing a "fun" 007 film.