
I genuinely thought that's how things would play out, even after hearing the knife squelch sound effect. So for me it was shocking, just because I didn't expect Roose to get outmaneuvered by Ramsey.

A resemblance between Lyanna and Meera might be intentional on the producers' part.

I haven't loved any of Feig's movies. I like McKinnon, and she's certainly the only thing about the trailer that looks remotely interesting, but mostly in a "this character does not belong in this movie" way. Leslie Jones is very funny, but there's been some understandable backlash at having the lone black character

I'm really excited about the proposed Ocean's Eleven remake with an all female cast. Ghostbusters is just untouchable to me.

Totally agree that a good movie can have a bad trailer. And also that this bad trailer is badder than most bad trailers.

Exactly. I've been against this movie since it was Ghostbusters 3 with the original cast (if they could just trick Bill Murray into filming his lines). I was against it when it was about the next generation (Seth Rogan, Michael Cera, whoever was in comedies that week) and when they said the cast would be female

Who wouldn't?

I loved Wilmore's set, because it made virtually everyone in the room extremely uncomfortable. "Alleged journalist Don Lemon", the MSNBC acronym joke, shots at Obama's drone strikes… He performed like a guy who knew he was never coming back, so why not torch the place?


Thank the Seven Gods Mace Tyrell makes it through!

I love it start to finish, and I'd never listened to a Beyonce album before (obviously I'd heard songs, because I exist in the world). But it was really the visual album that blew me away.

I believe she's in the group shot at the end of the last song.

As good as the album is (and it's amazing), the video is better. You should watch it while you have the free TIDAL trial.

I skimmed over that part. Carry on.

Explain to me why David Palmer is not on this list.

Between the brilliance of Dennis Haysbert and Andre "Funky Cold Medina" Braugher, all the stuff with Rosa, and the cliffhanger ending, this episode absolutely deserves an A.

Yeah, but at least NBC told you what it was in the marketing. Unfortunately its first season got cut short by the writer's strike, and their female lead went on maternity leave for much of the second. Still, I feel like the story got wrapped up well in the finale. So, like Terriers, you can enjoy what we got as a

That could be right, I remember the weirder stuff being credited to the guy that took over but it's very possible she was still involved in the first batch of scripts.

I thought they battled in season 1, then Meredith Stiehm went back to Homeland before season 2. Either way, it was starting to resemble late-period Breaking Bad with its weird situations and dark humour, I think it could have inherited some of that audience if they'd renewed & promoted it.

To be fair to Veronica, Rob Thomas didn't get to do the season long mystery he wanted in S3 because the network wanted him to make the show more episodic. They compromised on two short mysteries and bunch of stand alone episodes. I think the S2 mystery is solid.