
When I heard Neal McDonough was going to be the villain on season 3 of Justified, I hoped he'd be playing his character from Terriers. Not that I'm disappointed with what we got, but I love the idea of them existing in the same universe.

I loved John From Cincinnati, but I'd say the filming location would be very low on the list of reasons that show didn't get a second season.

I was about to say he wasn't an asshole on season 2 of Life, but it turns out that was the year before Terriers was on.

Plus they cancelled The Bridge, which was really getting good.

Agreed, Terriers could have been like Justified.

Terriers, but I'd actually prefer more Luck just to find out what the hell Dustin Hoffman's masterplan was.

I was just there for Virginia Madsen.

That's… not a thing.

Luck hit me harder because it had actually been *renewed* and they were filming on season 2, but at least there I understood the logic behind that cancellation. Terriers paired so well with Justified it just made sense to give it another year to find an audience.

Also, Sean Pertwee is a great Alfred.

I genuinely thought I was the only person who remembered that show.

Man this show was good. At least the single season we got plays well as a self-contained story, no Twin-Peaks-Season-Two cliffhanger at the end.

Bail Solo would be acceptable. Hell, Anakin would be a nice way to honour the man her father used to be (and might explain the kid's Vader obsession). "Ben Solo" is the kind of thing that sounds right on paper, until you think about it for 2 seconds and realize it doesn't make sense.

"Ben" Solo annoys me because Han would obviously name his son "Lando Solo" or "Chewbacca Junior".

They could bring back Joel Edgerton!

If you were *really* old-fashioned it would be all about that sweet, sweet dowry.

They also flipped out over Spider-man being black.


I just wish they could get Jon to come back as their 'Senior Trump Correspondent' for one episode.

I really like them all equally. Oliver is doing great long form news pieces. Sam Bee has the "interviewing idiots" field piece part covered. Nightly is a great mix of commentary and panel (although I preferred the early episodes where they had more guests and it was a real discussion instead of mostly jokes). And I'm