
I still haven't forgiven them for canceling Luck.

This has always been one of my favourites.

I feel like bringing back Hal robbed Kyle of the thing that made him really work: being the Last Green Lantern. Also, he was such an earthbound character that sending him off to space hasn't served him well over the last decade or so. But at least New Guardians tried to to something different with him (the whole White

I knew Johns didn't get Kyle's character the minute he had him refer to Hal as "Jordan". Kyle's a first name guy, and he's had dozens of interactions with past Hal, Spectre Hal, Parallax Hal, without once calling him "Jordan". It's nitpicky, but it really set up what I could expect for the miniseries going forward.

I didn't join the DC Message Boards until the tail end, but the animosity towards Kyle just poisoned every thread. And the "I told you so" crowing when Rebirth was announced was just insufferable. Hal Jordan is one of those characters I absolutely hate not because of the character himself but 100% because of his fans.

I actually have a page from GL: Rebirth framed in my office. Moose Baumann was auctioning off prints of his work a few years back so I picked up the two page spread where Kyle crash lands with the casket.

Another survivor of the H.E.A.T. wars here. Ugly days.

He can pass as 1970s Al Pacino.

Well if a joke fell flat in all of this, it was the one she was trying to make. Although I'm sure Fox & Friends see it differently…

Great explanation. But can you explain how Chris Rock convinced Stacey Dash to do it? Because I can't wrap my head around how she didn't think she was being made fun of there.

Good point. I'm sure a lot of it is just my being a fan of the character, but more than anything I don't see the purpose of having the character be Connor Hawke when he'd work just as well as John Diggle Jr. If they'd given a real reason for him using the name (his mother was Moonday Hawke, he didn't know Digg was his

That Iron Fist part was baffling, especially since it was offered as evidence of how *brave* DC was for casting a black actor to play Connor Hawke.

Had to skip the rest of this review after the second time it said Connor in the comic was white. As I'm sure many others have already pointed out, Connor was mixed (white father, Korean/African American mother) and until the later years when they drew him whiter and whiter he was always drawn with dark skin.

Has anyone mentioned Julian from The Shield yet?

To be fair, there was a 16 year gap between season 26 of Classic Who and series 1 of New Who (except for that godawful Fox movie in 1996).

The Seventh Doctor has become one of my all time favourite incarnations thanks to episodes like Fenric and Ghost Light and some of the character development that happened later in the New Adventures and Big Finish radio plays.

I can't believe anyone would suggest a Doctor other than Tom Baker as an entry point. City of Death or Pyramids of Mars all the way.

Hulu Plus had a great selection of Classic Who until BBC pulled it.

Sort of. The FBI said "all is forgiven" because Mulder helped them with that case, but at the start of the movie they were living under their real names and Scully was practicing medicine, so they weren't exactly acting like fugitives in the first place.

I was happy about the cliffhanger just because I wasn't paying attention to the time and I thought it was a commercial break and that I'd have to sit through ten more minutes of that garbage.