
I feel like if they really wanted to go this route they shouldn't have named her "Agent Einstein".

I didn't enjoy a single episode of this revival, and I only stuck with it because it was six episodes (if it'd been a 10 or 13 episode season I probably would have checked out after episode 2). That said, this is the only episode that I found mildly entertaining — it was just too rushed and chaotic to actually work.

How dare you lump Aquaman and Matter Eater Lad into the same tier of superheroes!

So if two things that could never happen (Mel Gibson putting aside his ego to play a supporting character, and audiences ignoring his sexist and antisemitic statements) happened, Fury Road could be 98% Fresh instead of 97%?

"You don't have to do something just because it's written down on some "official-looking" piece of paper. In the end, it's just a human being telling another human being what to do with their life."

This is one of my favourite horror series, but even I have a hard time caring about anything after Hellraiser 6 (which is pretty bad but at least brings back Ashley Laurence). They need to either reboot (preferably with Clive Barker involved), make a true sequel with Doug Bradley back in the lead (Scarlet Gospels

I thought it was disappointing as Clive Barker's "triumphant return to adult novels" but it was fun as a Harry D'amour story and I liked how it closed out Pinhead's story. I wouldn't mind it forming the basis of a final Hellraiser film (as long as Doug Bradley is back).

Or Terry Farrell!

Rises is my favourite film in the trilogy as well.

So the big complaints in this review are that it's not an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and it's really funny?

One of them. There's also The Expanse.

I can see Cyborg continuing as a solo title, or DC folding him into whatever new version of the Titans they launch after canceling Starfire and Grayson.

I'm still with it. I think the opening arc went on too long (same with the other titles that debuted alongside this one: Cyborg, Martian Manhunter, Doctor Fate) but I like that it's not just another super hero comic. Of course, it's almost certainly going to be canceled, so I can't really recommend jumping on board

At first I read this as The Limey-4-Ever.

Was that before or after the *second* high school talent show being described in minute detail?

But in the book didn't Stannis completely ignore all of Ned's letters when he was trying to get to the bottom of Jon Arryn's death? Stannis could've helped Ned early on but was too busy building his army.

Didn't help that he told Cersei he knew the truth about her kids and gave her time to leave King's Landing. Rookie mistake.

I assume they mean among the most unfortunate characters the audience actually knows/cares about.

Didn't Oracle work with the Suicide Squad for a long time? Maybe some version of the character (Barbara Gordon or not) is going to feature in the movie or its sequels.

He's the one original character they really need to bring back for this. Bonus points if he's carrying the charred remains of Tony's Cubs mug.