
So what you're saying is Slate's still doing their "Trevor Noah is destroying The Daily Show" pieces they started after his first day.

Was there time after they lost Winona Ryder to cast a real actress? I always assumed Coppola just grabbed the first person he saw and it was his daughter.

Khan *is* a huge Godfather fan, so this checks out.

How dare you bring up Batman and Robin? Also, she wasn't Oracle. Or Barbara Gordon, for that matter.

Redhead. Never blonde.

I'll bet he listened to that Neil Young 9/11 song though, since they're both Canadian.

Yeah, S5 was every 24 trope thrown together and it all works beautifully. Then they did the same thing the next year (instead of breaking new ground like you suggest) and it fails miserably. Plus President Wayne Palmer was a terrible idea.

S6 actually starts out okay. The idea that Jack's imprisonment coincides with a slew of successful terrorist attacks on U.S. soil is about right.

Season 6 is the only truly unwatchable season. Season 8 was pretty bad too, but once it hit the final run of episodes (i.e., when they knew it would be the last season) it got great again.

I'm actually okay with it, as long as they give us closure on Jack's story before the end of the first season. "On a helicopter to Russia" cannot be the end of Jack's story.

But Cherry Jones (R) was good before she turned kind of evil (at least she felt bad about doing horrible things). And Powers Boothe (D) was evil because he's Powers Boothe.

He was definitely the standout, should've been a Best Supporting Actor nominee.

So you read Identity Crisis then.

I know they have different reviewers, but I find it amusing that the "very inconsistent, sometimes underwhelming" assessment of The Next Day is followed by a link to an A- AV Club review of that album.

I love that the name "Slade Wilson" wasn't badass enough for him, and the alias "Deathstroke" wasn't either. He had to go "Slade Wilson, aka Deathstroke the Terminator" AND wear an eyepatch.

This headline is a reference to longtime Teen Titans nemesis (and Arrow villain) Deathstroke the Terminator, right? Or was it just about the alliteration?

Sorry, it was his editor who said that there might be eight books, not Martin himself.

I think Martin has all but confirmed it will take at least two more books after Winds of Winter.

In that case, I definitely agree.

I don't agree that the change itself was insane, but it is strange how little affect it had on the subsequent two seasons.