
I read that the issue was Day of the Doctor changed the outcome of the Time War, which Eccleston felt robbed his character of his entire arc.

HBO needs to bring Carnivale back. There was supposed to be a time jump between seasons anyway.

Do it, but keep the ending of the novel so we aren't subjected to a half dozen sequels.

Well if we'd met him as a grown up you could just drop everything with Tatooine — including his mother.

I guess it's like how kids today think a walkman is "ancient". Han Solo was the original Millennial (hence the name of his ship).

This is what I always assumed Episodes I-III would be. So yeah, a ten year old pod racing champion was a bit of a let down.

What's always bothered me about the prequels is the decision to start out with Anakin as a child. The line "When I first met your father he was already a great pilot" is still technically true post-Phantom Menace, but it works a lot better if Obi Wan and Anakin are peers when they meet (say, during the Clone Wars).

I expected this article to be about how the prequels "don't deserve your hatred" because then you're giving them power or something. Like, they're so bad they aren't even worth hating so just pretend they don't exist.

Wow, this list was even worse than I expected. That said, I definitely think an Indian Bond would be a good direction to go in.

I'm more concerned with the supporting cast than with whoever ends up being the next James Bond. The Connery to Lazenby to (after a brief Connery return) Moore transition worked in part because they kept the same Q, M, and Moneypenny around him. So whoever the next Bond is (my money is on David Oyelewo), I'd like to

Haven't seen it in years, but I thought Living Daylights had a reputation for being good. Or is that just compared to A View To A Kill and Octopussy?

I always remember the Craig movies as "The reboot one", "The one that was killed by the writer's strike", and "the boring one."

In Skyfall.

But are they bringing back Corey Feldman as a grown up Tommy Jarvis?

This is pretty much my list, except I'd put the original over Manhattan and I might rank Fake Jason a bit higher because of Reckless.

Just give the money to Carpenter and Kurt Russell so they can make Escape From Earth.

Definitely my favourite new show last year, I'm really happy it was renewed.

No person, living or dead, should rank Ratner's Red Dragon above Manhunter.

I see your point, I just don't think it necessarily needs to lead to anything good. Martha Kent and Jor-El provide the balance to Jonathan's cynicism.

1) That his father cares about his safety above everything else
2) It keeps him separated from humanity, and forces him to help people in secret
3) The audience can feel however it wants about Jonathan Kent, his parenting choices, and his relationship with his son
4) The tornado scene is the payoff to the earlier scene —