
But he doesn't say "Let them die." He all but admits that he doesn't know the answer to Clark's question. If it was my son, I'm not sure I'd know how to answer him either.

"It’s the most bafflingly inappropriate bit of superhero backstory since that part in Man Of Steel where Pa Kent tells an adolescent Clark that he maybe should have let a busload of children drown." I always thought this was one of the best moments in the film. This is a Boomer Jonathan Kent, one who grew up in the

I thought she did a good job, but her biggest contributions (totally re-working the script) can't receive credit for contractual reasons. My point is the two things every reviewer singled out were lead actor and director, so it's a bit bizarre neither one got a nomination.

Every reviewer seemed to agree that the direction is award worthy as well, in fact most said Ava Duvernay "will be the first woman of colour nominated in the category" like it was a lock. So when your lead actor and your director are both almost universally praised but neither gets a nomination, that's surprising.

Ken still has the eye patch in this promo, and I thought it was a temporary thing just until his eye recovers (wasn't that said at some point?) so I'd guess a significant time jump is not in the cards.

Green Lantern is what happens when DC tries to make a Marvel movie. Now let's never speak of it again.

The cartoon I'll give you (although I seriously doubt it will have any effect on plot lines in either show) but with Supergirl on CBS and Titans on TNT any interaction is going to be pretty minor. Maybe they can arrange a cross over, but it's unlikely to be completely necessary that you watch all three (or four) to

Granted, but having Ray Palmer not shrink would be like having Barry Allen not have super speed.

So far only two are connected, Arrow and Flash. Maybe Atom or Firestorm gets a spin-off down the line, but for now there isn't that much interconnected material to keep up with.

Do we know he plans to keep his identity secret? He's been pretty upfront about his desire to save the city, maybe he assumes he can do it as Ray Palmer and his super suit.

Yeah, I was thinking they'd do something along those lines. Might even do it at the end of the season, so he disappears mysteriously and everyone thinks he's dead.

That explains a lot. Except why they wouldn't want them using Ted. I just hope he can shrink, and that next season we get an archaeologist named Carter Hall who Ray befriends and Ollie gets into bitter political arguments with.

True, but they made the decision to call him Ray Palmer so I feel like he needs to be the Silver Age Atom.

My only concern is there's been zero indication he'll actually shrink. Will that be an unforeseen accidental byproduct of using dwarf star allow in the design? Or has he just been holding back that information? All season it's felt like Ted Kord would be a much better fit for the character (wealthy industrialist with

Woody Allen films have never been known for their realistic dialogue, in that every single character talks like Woody Allen. But that's part of their charm.

And you Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger might have been okay if he'd cast himself in the Anthony Hopkins part. Or at least better.

I actually thought it was fine. Not Small Time Crooks good, but not Hollywood Ending bad. Pretty average for early 2000s Woody Allen.

That was 13 years (and 14 movies ago).

But they've got the comic books. That's like a script AND a storyboard!

Yeah, I never understood how Jake Gyllenhaal = Tom Hardy anyway. I'm still very excited about this movie, but it'd be nice if they could cast the team leader before filming starts.