
The comic started out pretty great, then it sort of got sidetracked with all of the lead character's wacky friends (a weredog, a ghost, a mummy) but at its worst it was never as bad as this looks. Plus in the comic she's a gravedigger, which gives her much easier access to brains since no one checks on the body after

Upvote for Friendly Giant reference.

This episode was definitely an A. Would've been A+ if we'd seen a little more Real Ray or Fake Ray.

I think she's definitely coming back. Her insistence that they all hang out together, plus the focus on her to-do list, and the fact that she calls the Doctor a magician (the season premiere is titled "The Magician's Apprentice") make me think we're getting two companions in series 9 which would be a nice return to

That's one of my favourites. But right now I'm watching only the conspiracy episodes. They actually play pretty well without any of the monster ones.

I'm watching X-Files on Hulu now and it's ad free. Might break down to individual licensing deals.

I think Amazon has the exclusive rights, but right now only seasons 1-4 are free with Prime.

I'm hoping it's his longtime friend Wilfred Brimley. But Larry Wilmore would be awesome.

Never saw the pilot but supposedly they're trying to make a series again and she's still the best person for the role.

Wait, so does this mean she'll be unavailable for the latest attempt at Global Frequency? Because there is no other choice for Miranda Zero.

I couldn't get into her solo title, but I've liked how Lemire is using her in Justice League United (though I'm an issue or two behind).

Can't argue about the shoulder pads, but since your average Kryptonian wouldn't have heat vision that might explain why she has to remove the visor.

Wasn't Caviezel in the running for Superman at one point? Don't remember which film it was for, maybe the JJ Abrams script that McG was going to direct?

But now we don't *have* to imagine!

I like it. The score is great, but I'd be interested to see how those space scenes play without it. I wouldn't buy it if I already owned the movie, but I never got around to picking it up and now I guess I have a reason. Well played, Warner Brothers.

The ad campaign for Terrier's didn't help. It was pretty dog-centric.

I have to admit, I blocked out the whole Master Race thing. As for "I don't want to go", it's just always bothered me. I'll admit that it was refreshing to see a Doctor who actually feared regeneration, but coming at the end of that awful story (not to mention a year of pretty terrible movies) it just struck me as

"Time Lord Triumphant" is the absolute low point of the series for me, followed closely by "I'm going to burn off a regeneration so I can keep looking like David Tennant" and "I don't want to go" (I'm not the biggest Tenth Doctor/Davies fan, obviously).

Right, but none of their regenerations actually employed the Zero Room. Although the War Doctor's regeneration certainly seems like the most trouble free one of his lives, and I'd argue that the Ninth Doctor wasn't dramatically different than his predecessor (but that's likely more because Moffat clearly wrote the

I love the New Adventures too much to completely discount its sister series.