
The (poorly rendered CGI) shots of Istanbul are... Completely off. If this is supposed to be Sirkeci Terminal, it does not (and never did) look like that at at all (no domes, for one), and you definitely would not be able to see Hagia Sophia from it (leaving aside the fact that Hagia Sophia itself is oriented in the

“O brave new world,
That has such people in’t.”

This movie sounds as anachronistic and batshit as a medieval romance, so I’d say it’s really the ideal way to adapt Arthurian material. As a medievalist, I can’t wait.

Uh, weird. It smells faintly of cantaloupe...

The money would certainly have been wire transferred, if it were not for a tiny detail: the banking embargo against Iran...

Is it no fully implemented yet? On mine, I just have to look for a weather card with the search app, make the card full screen, click on the menu at the top right of the screen and it’s there.

Nice try, but tons are metric, so same mass for the both of them.

Libraries actually subscribe to the service, if I’m not mistaken. The good thing, though, is that if you connect at a hotspot with the app or your account on the website, you get a week of unlimited reading, renewable at will. You can also keep the issues downloaded on the app beyond that!

I was thinking that these trains looked very Swiss, and sure enough, the studio behind it (and its predecessor Train Fever) is apparently from Schaffhausen!

I also just discovered that you can create playlist folders, under the file menu, by right-clicking in the playlists, or simply ctrl+shift+n. It might have been obvious to a lot but I somehow completely missed it! Incredibly handy to sort out your playlists, you can nest them and even listen to a whole folder at the

Most Anti-Stratfordian ideas, but especially the Marlovian theory. Simply put, the idea that he faked his death and fled to Italy and wrote most of Shakespeare plays from there is really funny to me. That has got to be the most convoluted way of proving that he wrote them despite dying more than 20 years before

More Damsels in their castles who build carefully designed machines purely to decapitate Knights. In fact, decapitations in general. Weird religious symbolism. You know what ? Just adapt Perlesvaus, you don't even need to Nolanify it, it's already gritty enough as is.

Wait, so it was James Ussher, a anglican archbishop from the Church of Ireland, who established the catholic viewpoint on the age of the world ? My, my...

Huh, the great vowel shift didn't happen in 1500. It was a continuous process that started around Chaucer's time and ended around the same time as EME, which had already been gone for nearly a century by 1800 (And actually started around 1470, but that's a minor quibble.). Oh, and Jute isn't a language.

The first comment is actually wrong : puffins are called "macareux" in French.

If you're referring to the Hulu video that is now in the post, you're correct, they replaced the Youtube video I was talking about.

That's because their YouTube channel is for overseas viewers. The US streaming rights belong to Yahoo.