Have a great weekend my friends. But watch your back!
NASA explicitly wanted at least two winners. (They actually wanted three, but the budget would not stretch that far.) That was the entire point of the exercise, to have more than one provider, so no, SpaceX was not selected solely to avoid an accusation of "favoritism". (Besides, they have thick skins; an…
The real twist is Skynet won the war and replaced all humans with terminators, but then the file that was stored in became corrupted, so it forgot, so terminators have been at war with terminators for 600 years.
One back up is not redundancy...
If that is “shredding” you should hear my 2 yr old newphew smacking the guitar around. He’s the next Hendrix.
The photographer's story is just that — a story.
Lion after car drove off:
I wonder how the glass blowers feel about creating a bottle that will sell for, probably, 1/3rd of what they make in a whole year.
Are you dead right now then?
Why are there so many Radiophobics in the world?
I offer this and only this:
I believe it is pronounce MeowMeow
I started this as a gif this week, and it bloomed into a full video when the clips started piling up. Here's the gif I cut it down to...