
Sorry about that, <9

Eccleston <333

Did anyone else experience Breaking Bad like I did? It's one of the most extreme cases of diminishing returns for me in any field of art. It just feels completely pointless any time I've tried to watch an episode after having seen the full show. It reminds me of something like Inglourious Basterds where it is

Whoa what the fuck, LOST is the greatest of the great in that it is literally the greatest television program ever

That's a winner

1. Last Year at Marienbad (rewatches)
2. Une Femme Mariée (for the first time and then two more times)
3. Le Vent D'Est (Wind from the East)
4. Lotte in Italia (Struggles in Italy)
5. Koyaanisqatsi (many rewatches)
6. The Informant! (many rewatches)

How's it up? What's going?

Björk of course, her contributions to Death Grips alone make her one of the best


BLASPHEMY (that I cannot wait to check out)! Reading that letter is literally the most negatively I have ever felt something.

I also love that he went by Steve before he decided on Steven.

I had the biggest smile on my face when I saw this yesterday. I just love "I am 13 years old" being its own sentence.

I agree in concept but I love it in some of my favorite filmmakers (Antonioni (more vaguely for many), Godard, Frampton). I mainly meant it as something that separates the two.

I cannot stop listening to All That man, this album is too fucking nice

I just thought of it because they're both American avant-garde filmmakers born within three years of each other and Criterion sells a collection of each of their films so I figured they'd be similarly well known. You're right though, Frampton was much more representational in his abstractions and he always had


A Chelsea-Leverkusen final would be both the greatest and worst thing for me (but I'd still have to go with Chelsea)

Hipster was in the 40's you son of a bitch, Ginsberg would be ashamed of all you angel-headed… um… uhhh….